chapter 1

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The boy looks drugged, caught between a man who’s almost twice his size and a girl who looks like she wouldn’t even break a sweat snapping him in half despite her small stature, eyes closed and mouth open as he pants, arching up between them almost as if he’s trying to escape.

Normally, Harry would ignore it and continue on his search for someone to drink from, someone who wouldn’t mind his sharp teeth and rough hands. He’s seen plenty of boys like this one, ones who picked the wrong playmates, and if he stopped to rescue every single one of them he would have died from thirst a long time ago.

This one, though. There’s something about this one, the sheen of his bright blue eyes as he blinks slowly, looks around as though he doesn’t know where he is, the weakness of his hands as he tries to push the girl off of him and make his escape.

He can’t, limbs limp and uncooperative even as he tries to flee, rocking up onto his toes and twisting between the two bodies pinning him there, making soft, distressed sounds in the back of his throat.

Harry’s been standing in the same spot watching them for the past five minutes. The boy’s expression slowly twists into something little and frightened, slurring out words even Harry can’t understand with his supernatural hearing.

The man standing behind the boy, rocking his hips up into his arse, is a were. The girl pinning him in place looks fey, what exactly Harry can’t tell. The only way this night ends for the boy is when he’s broken and spent, all used up. There’s no way they’re letting him go before that, and then once he is he’ll be found nearly lifeless in an abandoned motel room in the morning, littered with bites and bruises that will take weeks to heal. He won’t get any sympathy from his family or his friends, not once they find out where he was when this happened to him. He’s not even a playmate for these two - no, he’s just a hole to be fucked.

Harry’s standing beside him before he’s even made the conscious decision to rescue him, reaching out to drag a finger up the smooth, so far unmarked column of the boy’s throat. “This one isn’t available for play,” Harry tells the couple softly, not straining to make his voice heard above the pounding music of the club.

The man grunts, rocks the boy up onto his toes again with his next thrust against his arse. “Sure looked like he was available for play to me,” he says, slipping his hand around the boy’s front and down to palm over the crotch of the boy’s jeans.

Harry breaks the man’s arm when he pulls it away. “This one isn’t available for play,” he repeats calmly, ignoring the man’s anguished scream as he holds his arm well away from his body. “Or would you like to challenge my claim?”

It must be clear now, who Harry is, because all he gets in response is a fearful nod from both the man and the woman. They bolt the second Harry releases the man’s arm, and the boy starts slumping towards the ground instantly, tears filling his big blue eyes.

It’s likely he thinks Harry’s rescued him. What Harry’s actually done is far, far worse.

This is a long way from a rescue.

“Come with me, little one,” he murmurs, taking the boy’s wrist in a tight grip and leading him along, behind the bar at the back of the room, down a few twisting hallways until he reaches the lift, inconspicuous and hidden. It only takes a few seconds for it to arrive, and when it does Harry pushes the boy inside and hits the button for the penthouse.

What he’s going to do to this boy is worse than whatever the wolf and the fairy had planned for him.

“Do you know who I am?” Harry asks, vaguely curious as he pushes the boy up against the wall, pushing his skin tight shirt up to bare his belly, his nipples.

He’s pretty, this boy, lithe and smooth, a smattering of tattoos on his arms and a mouth made for fucking.

The boy swallows, docile as Harry gathers up his wrists and pins them above his head, goosebumps breaking out on his skin. “Yes,” he says, voice barely above a whisper.

Harry’s not surprised. Boys who look like him often find their way into Harry’s club, searching for the vampire who bites the deepest, fucks the strongest, sends them home with just enough blood left in their bodies to keep them alive and an ache between their thighs.

Boys like him don’t often find their way into Harry’s bed, though.

“Tell me,” Harry orders, nipping at the boy’s bottom lip, not hard enough to cut but hard enough the intent is there, shoving a knee up between the boy’s thighs and forcing him up onto his toes.

The boy gasps, fingers curling in Harry’s grip, inside of his mouth so wet and all Harry’s for the taking, pretty and intoxicating, blood pumping through his veins just asking to be drained, so eager to bend to Harry’s will.

And then, suddenly, Harry’s on the floor with the boy’s foot pressing down against his throat, stake threatening to pierce his heart. “You’re the guy who just fucked up my meal, mate,” the boy says, squeezing his fingers into Harry’s back pocket and extracting his wallet without letting the stake slip an inch. “Look like a rich fucker, you, so I’m gonna relieve you of this. Consider it my compensation for having my dinner ruined.”

The lift dings as the doors open to Harry’s suite, and the second they do the boy’s gone, out like a shot, leaving Harry blinking in his wake, finally understanding why he’d been unable to resist the sweet draw of this particular boy.

Harry’s boots land heavily against the floor as he stalks over to the phone, picks it up and barks orders into it, orders to find him and don’t let him out of the building. The boy still has his wallet, but more importantly, the boy had fooled him, and Harry can’t let that stand. Won’t let him leave this building without the rich, fulfilling taste of blood on Harry’s tongue, without hearing the sweet little noises he’ll let out when Harry fucks him, without knowing his name.



This is not my work. I have taken this form AO3. It is written by the author @whoknows.

Please know that this fic consists of lots of violence mostly louis and harry hurting each other. This includes (but is not limited to) stabbing, fighting, and drugging. If any of that is not your cup of tea, I'd advise you to skip this work.
There are pretty typical elements here found in a vampire story - blood sucking, bloodplay, biting etc - that are described graphically. The dub-con is throughout the entire story. There is no discussion of sexual boundaries or kink negotiation, but there is spanking and some bondage.

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