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With the kiss still lingering between them, Shubman gently lifted Sadhana in his arms, cradling her in a bridal style. The room was filled with an unspoken tenderness as he carried her, careful not to let the warmth of the moment dissipate. Their lips remained connected, and the silent exchange spoke volumes about the depth of their connection.

As he moved across the room, Shubman's heart swelled with love for the woman in his arms. The engagement, the shared dreams, and the warmth of their embrace all converged in this beautiful moment. It was a gesture of love and protection, a silent promise to shield her from any chill, whether in weather or in life.

Sadhana's heartfelt plea echoed in the room as she held onto Shubman, not wanting to let go of the warmth and closeness they shared. Shubman, touched by her words, sat down beside her, and they both nestled under the duvet together. The soft embrace of the covers cocooned them in a world of their own, providing a comforting haven from the outside.

As they shared the duvet, Sadhana hugged him tightly, finding solace in the rhythmic beat of his heart. The room was filled with a serene quietness, broken only by the soothing sounds of their breaths intertwining. In this intimate space, surrounded by the warmth of each other's presence, they found a sense of belonging that spoke volumes about the depth of their connection.

Shubman listened to Sadhana's words with a tender smile playing on his lips. The dim light in the room accentuated the sincerity in her eyes as she spoke. He ran his fingers through her hair, gently stroking her locks as he replied, "And I love every moment spent with you, Sweetheart. Your warmth, your laughter—it's like a melody that makes every moment beautiful. I feel complete when you're in my arms."

Their conversation was filled with unspoken emotions, creating an atmosphere where words were not always necessary. The quietude of the night embraced them, and in the tranquil space, Shubman and Sadhana shared a connection that transcended spoken language. Wrapped in the gentle cocoon of the duvet, they revealed in the simple joy of being together, finding solace in the shared silence of their hearts.

The knock on the door interrupted the quiet cocoon of the room, signaling that it was time for lunch. Shubman and Sadhana exchanged a glance, a silent agreement passing between them to reluctantly emerge from their haven.

Shubman got up, offering his hand to Sadhana. She took it with a playful smile, and together they made their way to the door. Shubman opened it, revealing Shahneel standing there with a mischievous grin.

"Finally decided to join the land of the living?" Shahneel teased, ushering them out of the room.

As they stepped into the common area, the aroma of lunch filled the air, and the family welcomed them with smiles.

Shubman and Sadhana descended the stairs hand in hand, their fingers entwined in a silent promise of togetherness. The aroma of the delicious lunch greeted them as they entered the dining area, where the family had gathered for the meal.

Sitting together at the table, Shubman and Sadhana felt a comforting sense of belonging. The clinking of utensils and the laughter of the family filled the room as they shared stories and relished the food prepared with love.

During the meal, the family showered the engaged couple with good wishes and playful banter. Sadhana's mother couldn't help but comment, "I hope your night romances are at a high peak this morning," making everyone burst into laughter, including the blushing couple.

As they enjoyed the lunch together, Shubman and Sadhana couldn't help but steal glances, savoring the sweetness of their newfound engagement.

The lunch continued amidst the family's warmth and banter. Unbeknownst to Shubman and Sadhana, the news of their engagement had already spread like wildfire on social media. As they enjoyed the meal, people from all corners of the world were glued to their screens, catching a glimpse of the unexpected union between the cricket sensation and the trailblazing Formula 1 driver.

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