The Aftermath

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On the night of Taiyon's tragic death, Shantae was immersed in pain and sadness. Her heartache was so intense that she couldn't stand to stay alone. Shantel, Vicky, and Maya stayed with her, their presence giving an act of comfort during those dark times.
Vicky settled into the guest bedroom, providing a private space for contemplation. Maya, devoted to be there for Shantae, made do with the love seat in Shantae and Taiyon's bedroom. Shantel chose to sleep on the foot of their bed, a quiet sentry watching over Shantae's restless sleep.

Throughout the night, Shantae tossed and turned, her dreams captivated by memories of Taiyon. Most times, her grief overpowered her, and she ran to the bathroom, vomiting as if the pain was trying to rid itself. The hours moved slowly, and sleep remained shifty.
In the silence of the night, Shantae scared awake once again. This sudden awakening woke both Maya and Shantel, who were there to reassure her.

"Shh, shh. I'm here. It's okay, I'm right here, whispered Shantel as she enclosed Shantae in her arms, giving a comforting embrace.

Seeking more comfort, Shantae softly called out for Maya, who was there by her side.

"Maya?" Shantae's voice trembled.

"Yes?" Maya responded, her concern palpable.

"Could you hand me one of Taiyon's shirt from his dresser? The top dresser on the left-hand side," Shantae requested.

Maya reached into the dresser, cautiously picking a shirt that held the spirit of Taiyon. Shantae clutched onto it, gaining strength from its familiar scent as she eventually, although tearfully, found a way back to sleep.

The next morning, Shantae loitered in bed for a minute, her gaze fixated on the empty space beside her. Taiyon's absence left an empty gap within her, a painful remembrance of her life-changing loss. Eventually, she gathered enough strength to get up and face the day.

Downstairs, she found Vicky and the girls engaged in conversation and eating breakfast. Shantae, her eyes still weighted with sorrow, joined them at her kitchen island.
"Good morning," Vicky greeted her with compassion, though Shantae's replies remained somber.

A question pulled at her heart. "Where are my kids?" Shantae asked, her tone holding a bit of worry.

Vicky's reassuring reply came with a touch of comfort. "Your dad came by last night to pick them up. He said he knew you'd need some extra help, so he took them. He also wanted me to send his condolences," Vicky informed her.

With a gentle gesture, Vicky slid a mug to Shantae. "Here, I made your favorite tea," she extended, trying to give a small measure of solace.

"Thanks, Vick," Shantae responded, accepting the kind thought as she wrapped her hands around the warm mug, finding an ounce of comfort in the tea.

Meanwhile, in another part of Louisiana, the surprising news of Taiyon's death was just starting to reach his estranged family. Ruby had returned home for Lisa's birthday, and as she came inside, a news report about the devastating incident appeared on the TV screen.
"As you may have heard, we received some unfortunate news yesterday," the reporter gravely announced. "The 27-year- old R&B star attraction, Taiyon Bennett, was fatally shot by his estranged father."

The lively atmosphere in the house immediately conveyed to a doleful silence. Tears rised up in Ruby's eyes, reflecting the grief that overcame Lisa. Meanwhile, Dj, Taiyon's older brother, suddenly got up and stormed out of the house, his emotions overpowering him.
Down the corner, where Dj met his friends, the topic was inevitable.
"Hey, heard about your brother, man. Aren't you happy?" one of his friends remarked intensively.

Dj's anger exploded, and he yanked the friend by the shirt, his voice shuddering with anger. "Don't you dare speak on my brother like that!"

His other friend stepped in, trying to deescalate the situation. "Chill, Dj, what's your problem?"

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