❤️You may be blind,but I love you🖤(✨️Friendly✨️)

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Requested by RubyTheWolf99

(How Seek and Figure met as children)
Seek was bored in his room,His twin brother,Hide was fixing the living room

"Hey,Hide" A young Seek asked his brother "Can I go to the library?"

"Sure,bro" said A Young Hide "But be back soon,Our moms are coming home any minute now"

Seek went outside to the library to read some books,When someone bumped into him

"S-Sorry!" The kid said as he fell on the floor

"It's okay" said Seek,but as he reached his hand to help the boy,he was looking the other way

"Hey,are you alright?" Asked Seek

"Oh,sorry I forgot to mention,I'm blind" The boy said

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" Gasped Seek "I didn't know"

"It's okay" said The kid "I was actually born blind"

"Oh" said Seek "I'm sorry to hear that"

"It's okay" The boy said

"I'm Seek" said Seek "what's your name?"

"I'm Figure" said Figure as he tried to reach out his hand to find Seek,And Seek tried to grab his hand a few times until he finally succeeded
Seek helped his new friend off the floor and helped him out of the library and ran into Hide and his friend,Jack

"Hey,Seek" said Hide "Who's your friend?"

"This is Figure" said Seek,But Figure was looking the other way

"What's wrong with him?" Asked a young Hide

"Unfortunately He was born blind" said Seek as he turned Figure around

"Oh,Sorry" said Hide

"Yeah,Our bad" said young Jack

"It's fine" said Figure as he held Seek's hand
A few days later,Seek and Figure got to know each other better

"Hey,Seek?" Asked Figure

"Can we be friends?" Asked Figure

"Sure" Seek said,Gleefully

He was very happy as he had made his first friend
A few years passed as they started to go to school together

Seek,now in high school was with Figure and was talking with him and Seek had gotten closer to Figure each day

"Umm,Figure" He said,Nervously

"Yes?" Asked a Teenage Figure

"I wanted to ask you something" Teenage Seek whispered

"Go ahead,you can tell me" said Figure

"I've developed feelings for you" said Seek as he hid his face

"Oh!" Said Figure "I feel the same way too!"

Seek blushed as Figure gave him a kiss

Seek and Figure were sleeping on the couch together,and they adopted 2 children,named Screech and Window

"Figure?" Asked Seek


"I'm Glad we met" Seek said

"Me too" said Figure

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