"Oh my god."

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It was capture the flag day and Alina, as well as every other camper, was up bright and early. She snatched her bow up quickly and made her way towards the crowd as she heard the sound of the conch indicating the games were about to begin. She stood to the side as Chiron reached into his pocket to look at his watch.

"Heroes... it's time." He placed the watch back into his pocket. "The game begins."

Alina grinned in excitement, her eyes scanning the crowd and landing on Annabeth who gave her a quick wink as everyone began to move towards the meeting point before the game officially started.

The Bellemore girl wore her blue armour with pride, being on Annabeth's team was something she cherished dearly and the fact they won basically every year was really the cherry on top.

"The first team to retrieve the opposing team's flag and return it across the river shall be the victor," Chiron announced, his voice bellowing across the land as each team stood face to face, a small river between them leading to a large waterfall. "As always, there will be no maiming and no killing. I trust these rules will be respected." Alina watched as Clarrise strode forward, leading the red team. "Any magical items you may possess, are permitted as well."

She gripped her bow as Chiron finished giving out the instructions for the game, she had heard them enough times: she could probably recite them.

"Let the games begin!"

The conch was sounded off again and each team let out battle cries before splitting off to set up and create their game-winning plan. Annabeth was quick to move towards them and she directed Luke on what to do. "Okay, we have twenty minutes before the second conch and game on. You know what you're doing?"

"Yes, ma'am." He nodded before turning to leave.

"Hey. Today feel like a winning kind of day to you?"

Luke grinned. "I'll see you on the other side." He turned to the army that Annabeth had gathered for this year's game and pointed his sword forward. "Company! Move out!"

Both Percy and Alina moved to follow the others but she stopped the pair, looking towards the blonde boy. "Not you, sunshine. You're with me." The two began walking in the other direction before Annabeth called out to her. "Come on, Al."


Alina strayed behind slightly, her bow in hand just in case they were ambushed on their way to wherever Annabeth was leading them. In front of her, Percy tripped over a tree trunk, dropping to the floor as the brunette let out a small chuckle stopping in her tracks as Annabeth looked down at him.

"I'm fine, thanks." He picked himself up off the floor, the blue of his jeans now a muddy brown. "But I appreciate you, you know, standing there silently." He turned towards Alina, looking her up and down. "And laughing."

Annabeth ignored his small outburst and continued forward. Percy ran to get closer to the girl and began talking as the brunette slowly followed, taking in the scenery that she had never really noticed before, always too caught up in the game or whatever else she was doing up in the woods. The second conch then went off and Alina watched as the dark blue hat made its appearance. Annabeth gave the girl a look, and she was quick to understand.

Alina quietly made her way backwards, crouching down to camouflage herself within the treeline so he wouldn't immediately find her when he turned to look. She stayed put for a few minutes before she felt Annabeth walking behind her. She pulled off her hat once next to her and they got comfortable as they watched him pass the time.

Alina shook her head as she watched him stroke a gecko. "This was your plan? Look, Annie, I love you but what in the world are you trying to prove."

"She's not here yet." She explained.

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