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Come on time to go Abigail sad Mr. Carpenter, I don't wanna goo. I wanna stay with you guys.....please, please begged abigail

I know but froster care is the best option for you right now.untill everything gets settled in with with your aunt then you'll be moving in with your ain't Sydney as soon as possible.

Ugh god darn it all, I hate this, why me? why this? what that? It is not fair to me abigail complained.

But little does she know the map is hidden some where she wouldn't expect to find it

although abigail moved out of the carpenter house hold she still felt like she  to find the treasure map her mom made them or else her question of daddy death will never be reveled

Moment later they arrive to a large white  farm house the smell of hourse mildoo filled the out side air but the inside smell of fresh scented candles.

Welcome, you must be abigail I am Kimberly But you may call me
Reply the foster mom in a friendly but
unsettling tone

Glad to be here abigail Reply noding her head smiling a little but not too much to show respect toward her foster mom

Will this stay at froster care be a breeze or will It be rough for most is always been rough at Mrs. Kim house but they say Mrs. Kim is the one that knows how to handle kids who experience trauma for the first time or so they heard rumors about it

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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