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TW: WWII mentions, death, murder, aviation accident.

Berlin hospital, 1939, after a total of 5 hours of complicated labor, the 30 year-old Hanna gave birth to her third child, a little girl who they named Emma.
This child was a complete accident, a slip of birth control, however, there was nothing to do now that it was born pretty and healthy.

This family was formed by a total of five people, being this the mother, ( Hanna Becker ), the father ( Paul Becker ), two boy twins of 8 years of age ( Leon and Jonas ) and this new addition ( Emma ), along with a couple German shepherds that took care of the house and their owners.
The ongoing war would be a difficult time for them, having to exit to the country side to stay safe from the bombing and often shootings or revolts. Somehow they managed to stay almost unaffected by all the circumstances.

During the time there, the twin boys would help with the chickens they had in a small pen while their father would normally go out to the woods for hunting or cutting wood and their mother took care of the just months old baby girl.

As time went on, both the twins and the girl grew a little. The little girl however didn't know how to say a single word, or if she knew, she never said any. She'd hardly ever sleep, especially during night she wouldn't stay in her bed and would start running with small giggles in circles in that blue room. She couldn't be picked up without her biting or kicking, specially when whoever was taking her had gloves on...
Either way, the kid received some education, including basic maths, writing and reading...
She proved to be good in things that didn't require much imagination, in mechanical things, in theory.
Examples like mathematics or chemistry and biology.

However, this didn't stop her parents from thinking about leaving her in the woods or somewhere far from them and civilization, since "she was like having a wild animal in the house."
But they wouldn't do it.
At least not in the watch of the twins, who had grown attached to the little girl even if she couldn't even look at them straight in the eyes.

It was day twelve of January of 1945, a cold morning to say the least.
Snow covered every piece of land in sight.
Paul took his daughter when she finally fell asleep at five in the morning that day, while everyone else was asleep.
He took her to the place he always went to during the day, the woods. Where the temperatures reached -14°C, where the carnivores could hardly find any food due to the migrations, where a six year-old wouldn't survive more than two days.
He left her on the snow, surrounded by the tall trees and some small bushes that survive the winter, the man then made a couple prayers before running back to their home, still praying for forgiveness.

Months passed before the body was found and recognized in a perfect preservation condition thanks to the cold and mud.
The Becker adults told the authorities their little girl had ran off while they were taking care of some things and they hadn't been able to find her, they told how heartbroken they were to know their little girl was now dead.

The funeral took place the third day after the war finally finished, the tenth of may of 1945, little time before the family moved back to the main city.

It was the next year when the tomb was disturbed by a group of medicine students. They took some bodies out, including the six-year old's one to prepare for their exams in a more practical way.
Because of the good preservation of the body, they decided to not touch it and donate it to the local biology laboratory.

This lab took the body happily, and after q little, decided to use it for some profound experimentation on bringing the dead back to life.
Being the context that it was, a couple of the scientists decided to also investigate a little more on weaponry and maybe create what would be the ultimate revange weapon for the recently dissolved Third Reich.

It took many years and a lot of money for them to start registering the first waves of brain activity.
It was the fourth of July of 1954 when, after replacing most organs, giving constant adrenaline, testosterone and cortisol dosis and being connected to an artificial lung for over five years, the child who died with just six years old woke up for the first time.
Her skin was a lot more pale as well as the hair was a lighter color, yet the eyes seemed to be a darker shade of the original green she had.

There were a couple tests before the subject now named 020.11 lost consciousness due to overexertion. It wouldn't be woken up again until almost ten years later.
Tenth September 1962, the subject 020.11 was woken up once again. It seemed to have grown, now looking like a 16 year old with albino colors though black eyes. During those right years, the body of the experiment had multiple procedures, chest removal being one of them.
With various tests and projects, the subject was able to be somewhere with extremely cold temperatures without being bothered by them at all, or live with low oxygen levels.
It was in 1965 when, after a lot of physical and speech therapy that the subject was now able to move and comunícate on its own.

This experiment didn't seem to have many emotions, or at least didn't show many. It did prove a huge interest for space and astronomy, it's eyes seemed to shine whenever the scientists or caretakers took out a moon model or a book related to the mentioned topics.
This was used for a behaviorism form of teaching the once little girl.

It was in 1973 when the unthinkable happened for the lab. It went into bankruptcy.
The scientists burnt all possible evidence of the subject 020.11 and took it to a helicopter to try and hide it in some remote place in this world.
By this time, the experiment had grown up to 6.1 ft ( 1.87m ), its skin was blue due to its transparency and the lack of oxygen in blood, the eyes were almost absolutely black and its hair was pretty much white.

During the trip that was supposed to end in South Africa, there were some malfunctions and it fell, crashing in the northern area of Spain, in the valleys of Asturias to be more specific.
When the helicopter was found two days later by two people that were having a walk, there were no survivors. However, 020 survived and just ran off.
During the experimentations, 020 made it to get the abilities of running at a overly humane speed, a total of 80km/h and being able to lift up to 2 tons.
The first ability along with the resistance to cold helped the experiment run for hours before falling by the front of a tall building.
It was made of dark brick, the main wooden doors were at least 15ft tall and right above it there was a rose window with initials in Greek along with two stars.

The experiment looked around, there was no one and it was starting to rain, so it took the freedom of walking inside.
The walls had paintings of various people, 020 couldn't recognize any.

The experiment walked until it was surprised by the sudden appearance of some other person, a tall black woman with long black hair, part of it braided, and some purple stripes, she had bright pink iris and some markings on the face.
She introduced herself as Éther, the owner of the building and its surroundings, she talked in a way 020 had never heard before, a kind and caring way, as if a mother was talking to them. The woman seemed to have misheard when 020 mentioned it's name ( well, it's series number ) and instead called the experiment by Tanit, name that it would keep for the time it was there.
The woman gave the newly named Tanit the chance to stay with her, it was a safe and quiet place, perfect for someone like them. It took a couple days before Tanit accepted the offer.
Tanit learned how to manipulate their abilities in a more specific way
Including using that cold resistance of theirs to use as a cold generation that would later turn into ice manipulation.
As well as learning how to use some specific type of weapon, the axe.
An axe they themselves made with the information taken from the library the same building owned, an axe mainly having a wood handle and a titanium blade that always remains sharp and shiny, just in case of need...

Now, two people, both with their own individual and inhumane abilities, were part of what in the future would be, The Rigel Academy.

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