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It was a small village in Jaén, Spain, the one to see another teacher for the academy be born.

Year 1986, this village seemed to be completely isolated from the rest of the autonomous community, from anything happening outside of it. It had a total of 527 people living in it, the number turned into 528 that 2nd July, when the man Enrique Moreno Fernández and his wife Fabiola López Posada had their first born, who they called Daniel.
The child had light hair and brown, almost honey colored eyes, he looked almost exactly like his mother.

His first few years of life were normal, though at the age of 2, the kid started showing signs of something the village hadn't seen in children yet, called scoliosis. At first, his parents didn't have it much in mind, thinking it'd fix with time, nothing further from the truth however. The shape only went to worse, getting to the point the kid would have trouble walking or carrying light objects.
Daniel's father would try a couple times to fix it by force, first one resulting in two broken ribs, second one in an almost broken vertebrae.

The option to take him to the hospital was never accepted by the adults, being that those things were nothing but the devil's invention, and the kid's destiny would only be decided by the Lord and so on.
Not seeing any kind of improvement in the condition, his parents decided to try for another child, one that would actually be of use to them, and so Fabiola became pregnant when Daniel had just turned seven.
The pregnancy went rough on her, and she hardly made it to the birth, but even tho she did survive, the child didn't.
It would've been a girl, one with an albino condition, and just knowing she "wouldn't have been normal either" gave her big brother a big sense of protectiveness over her.

Not wanting to believe she was just a dead fetus, thinking she'd be thrown away just like his parents tried to do with himself, the Spring of 1993, two days after the dead kid was born and when it was supposed to be buried, Daniel took the corpse and ran away, thinking it'd wake up...
Somehow, the body didn't rot, at all, but mummified, perhaps due to the conditions on which the big brother had it..

And he walked, and continued walking, even running through villages whenever he felt able to do so, avoiding cities or big amounts of people at all cost.
In one of them, the people who saw him tried taking him in, or try to at least give him medical treatment and something to eat, but he'd refuse and run away again.

Seven years, it took seven years to stop going in circles and actually get somewhere else while carrying the mummified corpse, more precisely, to Asturias. He didn't even know where he was, he didn't know he had gone all the way up to almost the northern coast of the country, managing somehow to avoid all big cities and most concentrations.
He was malnourished, dehydrated, and tired to say the least, not to mention how his spine would hardly let him run if he saw anything weird or dangerous.

While walking among huge trees he got to somewhere less crowded, where the sun actually got through the clouds directly to the floor, though he didn't look down, rather up to a building that seemed to be in the process of being restored... But it was just one, so there couldn't be many people.
While looking at that, some hole crossed his path, making him fall seven meters deep, into a dark yet big place...
He panicked, not knowing where he was, or where his little sister had fallen when steps started echoing within the walls.

Finally finding the dead body, he hugged it and tried backing up, not able to stand up, surely the now broken leg was stopping him.
With no where to go, he tried yelling to scare whoever was walking closer, but nothing.
Whoever that was turned on a flashlight, lighting the place a little. The place was filled with drawings and symbols, along with a ton of niches... Was this some kind of cemetery?
He looked up at the person... That wasn't a person, it had light blue skin, pitch black eyes and white hair, along with a mixed of a worried and surprised expression...
Whatever that was, it tried approaching Daniel, with no other result than a couple scratches, so it left... Perhaps it'd leave him and his little sister alone?
The fourteen years old heard steps again some minutes later, this time it was more than one person, perhaps that thing brought someone with them, and he was correct.

It brought a tall black woman with short afro hair, and even if Daniel tried scratching and yelling again, she didn't back up and picked him up.

— It's alright, you're safe here

She said, in a calming voice that... Actually made him sort of sleepy... And that sleepiness had an effect, as he felt asleep soon after.
He woke up in a soft bed, soft as clouds he thought, but soon grew scared as he couldn't notice or see his little sister.
He tried standing up, noticing some.. weird, tight, leather thing, it looked like his mother's corset, but also harder. Whatever that was, he looked up just to find another boy close to his age surely, perhaps a little order, with red skin, yellow eyes and also white hair, as well as a short tail and a pair of wings... Was that a demon? Whatever it was, he didn't allow Daniel to stand up, saying he needed to stay seated while Ether, Ya it and Xochitl did their thing... What was that supposed to mean!? After a little arguing, the same woman from before came in holding a baby, the same size as the corpse, that just calmed Daniel down a little, but it was better when he saw movement in the blanket...
The other boy, apparently named Abel, moved to the side for the woman to hand over the little baby, Daniel didn't even think about it and took the baby in his arms, looking down at her. She had such a light skin, almost white, just like the hair, tho she did have bright blue eyes and a red sclera.. what a curious combination! And most important of all, she looked actually alive.

— Now, you're actually a big brother, and she's gonna need a name you know?

The woman smiled, Dani was way too focused on staring at his baby sister to even listen to her. Another woman, with slightly lighter skin, caramel eyes along with a white pupil and long dark hair came into the room.

— I did think of one.. so if you're willing to... I think Luna suits her very well! Plus, it's full moon today so...

The woman smiled, Daniel just gave a couple nods. Now his little sister was Luna, such a cute little name for a cute little baby.
The tall woman smiled as well and turned to look at the newcomer, then put a hand on his head, asking indirectly for Dani to tilt the head up, and he did so, confused.

— You look like the warm type...

Daniel didn't answer, but be felt some strange warm feeling inside, he closed his eyes and shook his head, his hair slowly turning into a more ginger / orange tone as he shook it.
He opened his eyes, blinking a couple times and rubbing them, he didn't have those brown eyes anymore, but bright yellow ones, bright Cian sclera and a longer white pupil.
He looked around, not only seeing the normal colors like before, but also something like waves... Redish ones!

The tall woman chuckled
— Don't worry, you'll get used to it.. ..welcome to the family Dani!

Daniel didn't do much for the next seconds, just stared and looked around confused before calming down and giving a small smile, holding the little baby Luna closer

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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