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Johnnie POV
I arrived on campus for my first day of college. I wasn't really excited I'm not a social person and I get nervous with a big group of people. I looked at the room number I had wrote on my hand. Since I had time I took out my tiny black mirror and reapplied my eye makeup before heading to class my eyes instantly look around for my friend Colby. I spot him sitting beside a boy with blonde short hair and another boy standing beside Colby he had hair about my length that was dark brown. Colby waved me over. I walked over there and placed my bag beside Colby. "Hey Colby.." "Hey Johnnie! This is Jake and Sam!" Jake had a wide grin on his face but I ignored it. "I'm Johnnie.." I awkwardly shook both their hands and sat beside Colby. At this point people were swarming into the room. Jake and Sam pick some seats above us and the professor started to talk "Hello class since this is your first class I will be telling you your dorm numbers you will have a roommate don't complain to me take it up with the state." He started calling everyone's numbers out and handing them keys. When he got to me he called my name and I raised my hand. "Johnnie guilbert? Your room is ### you roommate is..Jake Webber!" I looked up at Jake and he smiled and waved. When the lesson was over Colby found Sam (his roommate) and they started walking to their dorm I turned around to get my bag to see Jake standing behind me waiting for me I smiled and picked up my bag. "Uh here's the key.." I tried not to make it weird and created small talk as we walked trying to find out dorm. "So how old are you?" "18" "nice im 19" he nodded and we continued walking when we found the dorm he opened the door and I followed behind him. "Do you want left or right?" I placed my bed on the left bed "I'll take this one." Jake smiled and placed his bag on the right bed. "I'm grabbing some food want some?" I nodded no and went to get changed in the bathroom. A minute later Jake knocked on the door "I'm leaving!" He screamed from the other side of the door I responded okay. When I came out the bathroom I laid on my bed and started to fall asleep. When I woke up jake was getting changed I quickly closed my eyes but I could feel my face get red. I waited a few minutes before opening my eyes again and acting like I just got up. I walked to the bathroom and wipe off my makeup that had been smudged while I was asleep. Jake walked in behind me I had my eyes closed trying to wipe off my make up but when I opened them I noticed he had no shirt on my face went red and I quickly wiped off my make up and went back into my bed. After that day I distanced myself from Jake. In the dorm I didn't speak to him unless needed I would glance at him often but that was really it. Few weeks later he started bringing girls over when I was gone at Colby's. How do I know this? I would find girl underwear everywhere and skimpy lingerie under his bed when trying to find items like my charger (he was snooping ain't gonna lie to u). Weeks later I found Jake staring at me more and when I would go to Colby's dorm to do homework or just hang out I found him coming over just moments after me I talked to Colby about it but he didn't find anything odd about it but it seemed like he k re more so I decided to talk to Sam since whatever Colby knew Sam knew. "Sam..has Jake seemed weird recently?" Sam just stuttered "well..uh I don't know really.." I just stared at him till the silence was broke "fine! Jake..told me not to tell you but I can't keep it from you! He likes you.." I could feel myself blush and Sam gave me a smile " wait you like him back?!" I didn't respond and just kept my head down "look I won't tell him but at least promise you'll try to make a move on him?" "I promise.." when I got back to my dorm I sat beside him in his bed and got on my phone without saying a word he kinda gave me a questioning look but didn't say anything and just continued to go on his phone. I continued this pattern I would get to the dorm sit beside and each time make a tiny difference like place my hand on his or my head on his shoulder soon enough he started to question me. I got back to the dorm after Colby's and sat beside him like always "okay what's wrong with you dude?" "What do you mean?" "You were being cold to me now you're being clingy almost." I just shrugged and hoped he'd drop it but he didn't "no dude something up" he scooted away so he could face me but I don't know what got over me and I scooted closer to him and laid my head on his shoulder "nothing wrong.." Jake just sighed and went back in his phone I closed my eyes and melted into his touch I didn't think we would ever actually get this far even if it was just a simple touch but I couldn't help but feel like it meant so much more. Days went by without much happening I would sit beside him lay my head on his shoulder and fall asleep and end up in my own bed. Nothing much happened after this and me and Jake seemed like we would get closer soon enough we started sleeping in the same bed kissing and things like that the only people that knew me and Jake were a 'thing' I guess were Colby and Sam and we wanted to keep it like that.


Word count without A/N:1043


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