A new world

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Finn POV:

"Ugh. Where am I?" I sit up and look around the room and it looks familiar to me, as if I have seen it before. The walls are a dark greyish brown with lines on them. I stand from the rectangular shallow pool I was in and see 3 more just like it. I check them and see my three closest friends, Ethan, Zac and Matt. I wake them up.

"Oi. Idiots. Get up. We are in some strange place and I need your support." They wake up from the pools and we all realise that we are just in our underwear. There is a door with a handprint and I place my hand to it, hoping something will happen. Thankfully it opened and revealed to us a few chests. Zac and Matt opened two of the chests and Ethan and I did the same. "Hey, I found some clothes. Uh... a old shirt, shoes and pants. Ooh, a belt. And a satchel?" Zac says. "So do I. And Ethan. What about you, Matt?" "Yeah, me too" he says.

"Wait... so we all have the same stuff from different chests and I've noticed that, this door in front of us is open. So, someone was here before us. And look, there is another empty chest. So they've left us here without knowing where we are. Let's follow them" I say. "We follow the person that left? Am I hearing you correctly? Also, what the fuck is wrong with your ears? Why are they pointy?" Matt asks.

"I don't have fucking pointy ears you twat, what the fuck are you going on about?" I say. Matt points to my ears and shoves me to the shallow pool, making me realise that, in fact, I do have pointy ears. But they also do, for some reason. "Well, we all have pointy ears, as we have noticed now, but shouldn't we focus on going after that other person that has already left?" Ethan says after moments of inspecting our new fleshy hearing triangles on the sides of our heads. We all agree on the fact we should go after the mysterious person, and we clamber out of the cave, going towards the light.

We exit the cave and pick up sticks, holding them defensively, as if we are going to get attacked. We pick up mushrooms along the way, designating Matt as the backpack of the group, Zac and Ethan as the fighters, and I as the explorer, map person and scout. We wander down the hill, noticing that there is a few apples on a tree, plus a few burnt looking ones on the ground next to an old campfire. We grab the fresh apples and the cooked ones and divide them between ourselves, keeping a fair amount in our satchels.

"Hey, look over there. It's a pig that can stand up." Ethan says. We all look in the direction he is pointing and see the standing pig. I blank out for a moment, staring at it before shaking my head rapidly. "That, boys, is a Bokoblin. I think I have an idea of where we are. We are in the land of Hyrule, home to the five races of this land, plus a bunch of animals and beasts. Oh, and I think we have been transported into the world of Breath of the Wild, the Legend of Zelda game made by Nintendo." I state, to my friend's confusion.

Matt and I got the Bokoblins' attention, letting the other two sneak up behind it and hit it continuously, eventually killing it and having Zac dual-wield sticks and Ethan use the club the poor thing was using. We spotted another Bokoblin with a club and decided to attack that one all together, from three sides. I was behind it, Ethan coming from the left, Zac from the right. Our surprise attack towards it made it easier to kill. Zac gave Matt the sticks he had and put them in the satchel, storing them for later, now having a club to wield instead.

We explored the ruins, coming across other Bokoblins, stealing their weapons after we killed them. Eventually three of us had clubs, Zac, Ethan and Matt. I had opted for the bow that I found, practicing with it before killing two Bokoblins armed with bows atop a small hill. We collected the arrows and the extra bows, before deciding that we should raid one of the camps nearby. We looked at the ruined wall and the Bokoblin camp beside it, knowing that would be the easiest one to handle at the time. I went on the wall as long range support, taking out the watchtower before helping my friends take out the rest of the Bokoblins in the camp.

Once we had killed all of them, we looted their weapons from their bodies, grabbing better clubs and bows, plus more arrows. We set off into the woods nearby, hoping to find more food and better weapons. We came across a small ruin, a bow, arrows, a sword and a shield leaning against a log, an unlit campfire with a piece of flint next to it. I grabbed the bow and the arrows, Ethan giving me his club as he grabs the sword, Zac grabbing the shield. Matthew had found a few mushrooms and acorns on the ground nearby as we were collecting our weapons before we set off further into the forest, foraging for food whenever we had the chance.

"Look over there" Matthew said, pointing to two Bokoblins wielding spears "kill them with your bow, Finn". I notch an arrow and take aim at the red Bokoblin, hitting it in the head, gaining its attention towards us. Zac and Ethan leap into action from the sides, Matthew attacking from the front to defend me from the Bokoblins. We made easy work of them, looting their bodies. I grabbed one of the spears, as did Matthew. We continued our trek through the woods, coming across a big camp with about 6 Bokoblins and a chest to also loot.

"I'm going to sneak around the camp and take out the two watchtowers for you guys, then I'll come back so we can form a plan, sound good?" I say. They agree with me and I go the long way around the camp, crouching in the long grass as I shoot the Bokoblins atop their crudely made watchtowers, looting a body when it was close to me. I sneak back around to my friends, they have already made a plan that includes me in it. Zac and Ethan are to come in from the watchtowers, with Matthew coming from across the shallow lake, with me being the support behind the trees with my bow. We all agreed what our positions for the plan was and decided to act on it.

I follow Ethan around to one of the watchtowers, then leaving him to go behind one of the trees that allows me to have a clear sighting of all the Bokoblins in the camp. Matthew starts charging in from the shallow lake, grabbing the attention of the Bokoblins and making them stand up from where they were sitting around the fire. Zac and Ethan come up from the sides, almost surrounding them, trying to kill the Bokoblin with a sword and shield, plus the one with a two handed club. I take out the archer that was aiming at Zac before shooting at the Bokoblin that had the big club, helping Matthew kill him. I stow away my bow and charge at the last two Bokoblins, jabbing at one with my spear, double teaming it with Zac, with Matthew helping Ethan.

Once we had killed all the Bokoblins, we grabbed the other weapons they had, the travelers sword and shield, a travelers spear, plus a big wooden club. I grab the spiked bow that one of the archers had and put it in my satchel, somehow fitting it in there as if it is bottomless. I grab all the arrows that were littered around the campsite before we all sat down next to the fire and ate some baked apples, plus the seared steak that we stole from the other camps before going to sleep.

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