Chapter 3: The Crush Turns To Love

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The trio has now been upgraded into a quartet; when Rosé arrived at the company, they were now complete, and other than that, nothing has changed with everyone else—well, except that there are some trainees that left, but other than that something did change with Lisa, actually.

Lisa didn’t expect she’d have a crush on Jennie; all she did was notice how beautiful and sexy Jennie had gotten as they grew, and she was still the sweet, kindhearted, funny person she met. And at that point, that’s where she realized she had a crush on her, but as it was just a crush, she believed that those feelings would disappear eventually.

A year later

Nope, she was very wrong, as that crush grew stronger and she realized as she was hanging out and being with Jennie that she was madly in love with her. She didn’t know how it happened, but it did, and she was happy that she fell for Jennie, but she doesn’t know if Jennie likes girls or feels the same way, so she thought that she was just going to keep this to herself as she didn’t want to ruin her friendship with Jennie.


Meanwhile what Lisa didn’t know is what Jennie felt for her and yes, she also is in love with Lisa, but we already know that since this fic is about their relationship.

Jennie as she was in her room realized that she started falling for Lisa as she noticed and also realized that Lisa wasn’t that kid she first met years ago. As she started to notice the changes in her, like how she was more outgoing, loud, and social, and as she thought about it more, she noticed how Lisa stares at her whenever she thinks she’s not looking with admiration, how Lisa acts differently around her, how Lisa prioritizes her more than others sometimes, and how she was even called unfair by the other girls, making Jennie giggle at that memory. And she remembered that the stupid things boys do to impress girls that she thinks are dumb were adorable when Lisa does them, even if Jisoo called her an idiot.

But she still must know if Lisa fits the standards that she created, which is a list that she mentally uses whenever she starts liking someone so she’d know what they’re like (she got inspired by watching those k-dramas; you can blame that on why her standards are high) and wanted to know if Lisa ticked all the boxes (and hopes she does). Well, let’s see if she does so let’s start with the first question:

1. When someone walks slowly to match my pace because she’s wearing heels.

As she thought about it, she always remembered that Lisa has long legs, and whenever she walks with the others, she will sometimes walk faster, but whenever they are walking together, she slows down and matches her pace. And that’s a check on the first box and there’s still more boxes.

2. When a someone blocks the sunlight for me with their hand on a sunny day.

She remembered how Lisa would always try to block out the sun for her whenever they went out together and switch places with her when the sunlight was in a different place. It’s an advantage as she’s tall enough to block it, which is nice, but it's better when she brings an umbrella so she won't get hit by the sun as well. And that was another tick on the box of her list on her standards and on to the next one.

3. When someone takes off their coat for her [to wear] because it’s cold out.

She remembered that day it was winter season and she accidentally forgot her coat but acted that she didn’t mind the cold but started freezing, and even though Jisoo scolded her about it, she would have given her the coat and so would Rosé, but then to her surprise, Lisa gave it to her, not caring about the cold but good thing Rosé’s coat was big enough so they shared and it was quite an amusing sight. Anyway, another tick on the box made Jennie smile wider as she lay on her bed.

4. When someone remembers something she has mentioned in the past and does it for her.

She once mentioned a snack she saw when she returned to the dorm after hanging out with her friends, and after a week, to her surprise, the snack that she wanted was on her desk, and Jisoo informed her that Lisa bought it, and she remembered that she hugged and thanked her. OK, another check from the list; let's go to the next one.

5. When someone listens carefully to what she says.

Lisa is the one who always really listens to whatever she says like sure Jisoo, Rosé and the others listen but Lisa is really listening like really listening and remembers the stories she had said and is interested in her stories. It was making her blush as she remembers how Lisa would always stare at her whenever she listens and her adorable reactions whenever she reacts to her.

6. Someone dependable.

Lisa is a dependable person as you can rely, depend, and trust her on stuff which is why she is well-liked by everyone who meets her and thinks she is a nice person. And this point how is Lisa perfect? She asks herself and hopes that Lisa would fail one of them or something but it does make her feel giddy to know that Lisa is completing her standards and on to the second to the last.

7. Someone who’ll protect her.

Lisa has always protected her whenever she can like for example if she was wearing a short skirt (but not that short) Lisa would be behind her and cover her and in one of the neighborhoods there was this mean dog that was chained outside a house with a long leash and that dog always scares Jennie and Lisa protects her by shielding her by being at her side and there are more examples of that and she'll always feels safe whenever Lisa protects her and now on to the last part of the list.

8. Someone who’s passionate and devoted to their career.

Lisa is truly devoted to the career she chose as she is serious and focused on wanting to become an idol and is passionate about it too as you can see, she is doing what she loves which is performing and is in her element and she was really born to do this. And that was the end of the list.

As Jennie sat up from her bed slowly as she knows Jisoo is asleep and did not want to wake her and as she sat, she amazed that Lisa checked all the standards, she created for what she wants a person she likes will do for her, and it made her blush, but the question is does Lisa like her back? That was her thought as she knew Lisa liked girls because she mentioned it once when the other girls asked her a question and she said it so casually, but Jennie will try to decide to plan it as it does not hurt to be curious if Lisa likes her back, she thought as she decided to sleep again with a smile happy that she fell for Lisa.

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