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I walked through the doors of my new school and everyone's eyes were on me. It was like one minute they were all busy talking or doing last minute homework and the next everyone left their business and decided to look at me. I felt my face go hot as I looked around for the right hallway to the office. I started walking again and everyone's eyes followed. It was super creepy. I turned down the right hallway and found myself facing a room with gray walls, the sound of phones ringing, and ultra-cheesy pictures that looked like they should be burned. I found it.

I walked in and the front desk lady's eyes looked up from whatever papers she was looking over to see me.

"Ah, Ms. Falls I presume." She said. Who even talks like that anymore? No one that's been alive and conscious the past fifty years. Oh well. It was her job.

"Yes." I said. I am super shy around new people. I don't know why, I just am. People seem to like me well enough but the moment someone I don't know tries to talk to me I freeze up.

"All right, follow me to the headmaster's office." A headmaster? Whoa. It sounds like I've been sucked into a Harry Potter book.

I followed her around a few corners and I knew I would never be able to find my way out. She stopped suddenly then and I practically ran into the back of her. I tend to be really clumsy when I get nervous .Actually I'm clumsy in general but when I get nervous I tend to take not only myself, but other people out.

She didn't seem to notice though and she knocked on the door right below the name plate that said, "Harold Smith. Elementary School Principal."

At least it didn't say headmaster. That'd be weird...

"Come in, come in." An old, gruff sounding voice said. She opened the door and held her hand out so I could go in. I walked inside the office and the smell of peppermint instantly overwhelmed me. It was all I could do not to bolt from the office. I hate peppermint, especially the smell. It makes me gag.

She slammed the door shut behind me making the smell even more potent.

"Sit down, sit down." He said. He had a tendency of repeating things. It was annoying.

I sat down on the rock hard chair and put my bag beside it. He looked through some folders he had and then opened one of them up. "Ah, Ms. Brooklyn Fall." He said. The way everyone talked around here was annoying.

"Yes." I said.

"First off, I would like to welcome you to Guardian Academy. Secondly, I would like to say that I do not approve of the excessive jewelry you are wearing." Whoa, what? That was fast. They should wait a while to say something like that.

"And they way you wear your uniform is most despicable. Young people these days should wear neat and proper things."

I had no idea what century he was from. With the wrinkles he had, it was impossible to tell. I mean, he looked like he could've run with the dinosaurs back in the day.

"Um, I'm not wearing anything that's against the handbook. I checked." I said. And I did. I hated wearing uniforms so I decided I'd go against the rules as much as I could without breaking them.

"Well. Maybe we can make some changes to the rule book." He said.

"Okay." I replied. I was bored. I just wanted to leave already, and that smell was making me nauseous. That'd be embarrassing to puke on your first day of school.

He handed me my schedule and a map of the Elementary Building so I wouldn't get lost.

"I'll take you to your first class." He said. I had a feeling he didn't want to be here as much as I did, if not more.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2009 ⏰

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