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Yn pov

Jk: yah so we r going byy

Tae : and we will meet tomorrow tata take care yn babe

Yn: (blushing) yah byy

Tae and JK leave

Tanya : those dog wasted our 4 hours

San: leave it tanu

Tanya: yaa San I'm older than u

Yn: wait my phone is ringing

(The ring tone : shibal seakki omo ottoke)

Convo: oh yeah . Ok time . Hmm . Fine byy babe

Sherya : who is that

Yn: he ask us for outing

Tanya: ok we will

Suga pov

Suga : irra wake up

Irra : wht hppn Mr cat
Suga : wht wht did u say
Irra : nothing Suga
Suga : bath and come
Irra : ok

She bath then come to dinning area

Suga : eat fast we are going to university of Seoul
Irra : wae
Suga: for your admission
Irra: oh ok

Yn pov

Yn: so listen get ready till 4 he will come to pick us

Tanya: ok first lets have lunch

Sherya : I will not eat I'm in my room

They sit on dinning table

Tanya pov

Since I come here my head is fill up with this question
I will ask it today

Tanya: listen

San yn: hmm what

Tanya: ur r talking revenge cus he insulted san then why are u marring him

San: to take revenge

Tanya: it's not a kind of Revenge marry him then leave him like wtf 😒

Both: u will not understand

Yn: he loves me it will leave him heartbroken

Tanya : ehh .....still wtf

San yn : 🙂🥲🙄😮‍💨💀👀

Yn pov

Everyone dressed up



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