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It was an early Saturday morning in September, when Joanne came knocking on my window. "Get up jessi! Chris called an emergency meeting! Let's go!" She screamed at me. "Meet me at the front door " I told her. I step out of bed getting dressed in hurried steps. I pulled the old oil stained tshirt and a pair of jeans, along with my white converse. I ran down stairs, running into Ace in the process. "Woah slow down," he told me as I tried to moved around him. He grabbed my arm pulling me to a stop. "Hey, hey, hey, where are you going is such a rush?" He asked genuine concern written on his face. I turned to look at him, "me, the girls, and tris are heading to the woods. Laurel has some news about the up coming football game and we all want to know." I lied. He nodded his head letting go of my arm. I was almost down the stairs, "hey mom cooked breakfast!" He yelled out. Telling me in his way to take some with me. I ran to the kitchen grabbing the tuberware mom always left out for me. I grabbing a hand full of bacon along with six pieces of bread, And the three boiled eggs that were left. I grabbed my bag by the front door shoving the tuberware into my bag along with the first aid kit in the hallway. I stepped outside to be met with Joanne in a orange, blue, and white stripped shirt and her tan pants. "What took you so long!" She exclaimed. "Sorry John stopped me, he wanted to know where I was going" I explained. We both ran down the side walk apologizing to the group of joggers we ran into. It only took us about twenty minutes to get to the tarp covered spot in the forest. I saw Tristan standing outside. Walking up to me. "Now listen, jessi it looks a lot worse then what it is. It's just dried blood." He told me holding onto my shoulders. "Okay," I said cutting my eyes to the dark green and blue tarps. I walked around him and into the room. Chris sat on a small log with Tristan's red over shirt held to his fore head. Gordie sat beside him his hand on Chris' shoulder. Tristan and Joanne stepped in behind me. "Hey sunshine," I said squatting down infront of him. "Hi" he said letting me pull the red shirt away. He had an nasty cup above his brow, it wouldn't need stitches I concluded, and he had a black eye. I pulled the first aid kit out of my bag, slowly cleaning his wound and putting two steri-strips onto it. I kissed his eye, "what happed?" I asked. "Dad" was all he said. I nodded. Turing back to my bag. "I have good news" I said quietly. I pulled out the tuberware. "YES!" Tristan exclaimed. "I love your mom's food" he said already grabbing a piece of bacon. We passed the bowl around until there was only two pieces of bacon left. We ate in mostly silence. "I have to leave tonight." Chris announced we all stared. None of us knew what to say. Chris stared at me, hoping, praying, I would say something. "We-we can't leave tonight. It's to late and laurel isn't here." Joanne and gordie looked at us confused as they didn't know what we ment. "I'll go with you" Tristan said looking up at me from the ground. I shook my head. "I would have nothing, if I stay I'm losing everything except laurel. If I go I'm only losing her." He said. I signed knowing I won't be able to convince him otherwise. "Wait yall are running away?!" Joanne yelled looking at everyone. "Your leaving!" Gordie screamed at Chris. And then the arguing started. Chris placed his hands over his ears. As everyone was at eachothers throat. "Hey! Hey! Everyone shut up!" Laurel screamed at the door way. We all cut our eyes to her. "Why is everyone yelling?" She asked. Sitting down pulling the bottom of her pink dress over her legs. "The three of them are running away!" Gordie exclaimed. "Your what!" She turned yelling at Tristan. "Why! You have everything you need here! A family, friends, school, jobs, what else could you need!" She yelled. "Because not all us have a perfect life. Some of us have abusive parents, some of us only eat every other day, some of us can't get a job because of their last name." Chris said his first time speaking since we started arguing. "I want to stay, I don't want to leave gordie! But I have to because if I step into that house on more time I WILL DIE!" The whole room went silent after that. "I'm coming too," gordie said looking at Chris. "Look man, I'm not making you choose imbetween me and your safety. It's not like my folks will notice anyway" gordie said looking around the group. "Come on jo come with me?" Gordie begged looking at her. "Fine" was all she said. "Your all really leaving me! Your just gonna go, just dissappear. Like that!" Laurel yelled tears filling up her eyes. "We don't have a choice laur." Chris said. "Where would you even go! And how are you going to get a house!" Laurel exclaimed. "We are going to go to silverbrook, and for money me and Chris have been saving for three years." I explained looking down at the ground. "How are we going to get to silverbrook? It's sixty miles away?" Gordie asked. "We walked over forty to see a dead body. Walking sixty to a new town don't seem that bad" Chris told him honestly. After about an hour of laurel trying to convince us to stay. And Chris popping off at her atleast two more times. We decided to head home for the night. Everyone was getting their things together. "So we will meet here in the morning, got it?" Chris asked looking to everyone. We all nodded except laurel who looked betrayed. Chris had left with Tristan staying with him tonight. Joanne split about a mile back to head to her house and then it was just me, gordie, and laurel. We stopped at gordie's first waving him off. Then about two blocks down was laurel's.. she was walking up the steps when I yelled out to her "hey laurel! If you want to come with us, which it's up to you, you can!" Then I walked the rest of the way home. Ready to leave Castle Rock behind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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