Accountant gets Spanked

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I sit in my chair annoyed after finishing a call with my head of accounting. She informed me that Ms. June stole from the company a couple months ago and kept it under the radar until now. I pinch my brow in frustration and make a few additional calls. After a good hour of working on other work I decide its time to get this over with and call in Ms. June.  

Unaware of why she has been called Ms. June enters my office and greets me " Good evening Ms. Lopez can I help you with something?" I evade the question and get out of my seat towering over Ms. June. June is about 5'4 while I'm about 5'9.

Do you like working in this company Ms.June? I ask as if this were an interview. "Very much so mam this company has helped me out for a long time". She says eagerly.

 I chuckle and ask "Do you believe you are good at your job?" Ms. June looks a bit puzzled and says "uhm yes I would say so."

I then raise my tone and say "Hmm, then explain to me how on March 3rd $213,195,100 got transferred from my business to a bank in Ireland."

 Her eyes go wide and knees go weak as she falls on the floor stuttering and looking wide eyed. Then she begins to  beg when the reality sinks in. 

"Tch tch tch" I say while walking even closer to Ms. June "You should know my reputation and in the past I would've murdered you and your family for this", I say directly in her face. And tears begin forming in hers while she tries to muffle her cries.

I then start to back up and head to my seat while I say "Lucky for you I'm out of that life. After my husband died I decided killing people is no longer something I do anymore." I clap twice and my men bring in June's husband in nothing but his underwear with tape over his mouth.

Ca-Carlos! Please I beg you just don't hurt him Ms. June begs as my men drag him in my office. "Don't worry sweet June no harm will come to him." I say reassuringly. You however are a different story I say with a wink.

 I then signal for my men to the husband  up so that he is standing up with his hands  tied on the wall.

My men then bring a chair into the middle of the room and  leave.

I wait for a second after they leave and start my lecture. "Alright Ms. June this is how this will work. You have stolen quite a sum of money from me so your paycheck will reflect this. You will be required to work on holidays, you will be given no sick days, nor vacation days while you are paying back my money."

Ms. June nods and says yes ma'am to this. I then stand and walk towards her, in addition you will be punished at the end of every month with a mandatory spanking until you pay what you owe starting right now.

June looks down accepting her fate and meekly says yes ma'am.

Usually they will all be bare but today you caught me in a good mood June. June looks up confused.

I get in front of her and say since you can't control yourself we will see if your husband can. I'll spank you on your skirt but if I see your husband get aroused the skirt and panties are coming down. I say right in her face causing her to gulp in fear.

Now stand up and go near the chair. I say in my authoritative  tone that forces her reluctant body to move quicker than usual. I go past the chair and head over to Carlos and take off his tape.

"I truly am sorry Carlos that your wife forced me to put you in such a predicament". I say sincerely 

 You won't get away with this! Carlos says upset from being tied up and stripped.

 I then put a firm hand on his balls and move right up to his face. Your wife took a hefty sum from me, so consider yourself collateral. Don't think just because I won't kill anymore means  your safe from me. I say tightening my grip a bit. Making his lip quiver a bit while he tries to stay strong.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10 ⏰

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