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No one's POV~

Five friends live in a large house in the country.

What's wrong with that ?

Let me think about it

Oh yes

These five friends are killers

Five people who make up a killer group that ist feared everywhere.

They are colleagues, friends, girlfriend and boyfriend, people you can trust, people who are deadly if you do something wrong but in any case they are home for each other.

This group is called
The five roses

Two girls

One with platinum blonde hair, red eyes who can look trhoug your soul and sharp nails like cat's claw's.

The second girl has Black hair, and gray eyes like the other girl has she too shatp nails like a cat claw.

Three boys

One with Brown hair, yellow eyes and one Ear piercing on his right ear.

The second boy lika twin, Brown hair, yellow eyes and one Ear piercing on is left Ear.

The third boy blond hair, brown eyes and two Ear piercing left and right.

But the Names very importend

1. Girl one
Her name?
Margarete Penelope
Her last one knows

2. Girl two
Her Name you want to know too?
Antonia Lydia
Just like Her friend no one knows Her last Name

3. Boy one
His Name is somthing different
Sam luce
I think you already know what I would say, his name cannot be found

4. Boy two
You had to know they are brothers
Luce Sam
If his brother dont have a last Name he Dosen einher

5. Boy three
The last in the line but not the youngest
Ashton sins
His second name is a littel weird

Let me Tell you this Story is about friends you never find kn you life. Sad but true.



Hi tnan you so much that you decided to reader this Story. I hope the spelling isent that Bad. And i hope we See us in the next chapter.

334 words

5 Killer under one roofWhere stories live. Discover now