RP 24

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I am slightly older and slightly wiser.

I am now qualified to be an adviser.

So through my experience, I will tell you

exactly what you need to do.

Learn to feel pain without being it.

Embrace all it can give.

In the end, you won't regret

the fuller life you'll live.

Good is unnatural, that is why it is hard to obtain.

If was easy to be good, everyone would be that way.

Good is fickle.

The definition of good will always change.

So whatever good you support, be wary of the error in its ways.


Spend time doing the things you love.

Do not take time for granted.

A career might bring you great fortune,

but it cannot help mend a broken heart.

You can be surrounded by people, 

and still feel lonely.

So give your energy to those that reciprocate it only.

If you are a desire you will feel desired.

So do not put your emotions up for hire.

Be proud of everything you do.

Have no regrets.

Live your life to the fullest,

and when it's time, rest.

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