Prologue: Divine Reincarnation. | Divine Dogs.

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Third Person P.O.V

A car drove through a winding road during the dead of night, speeding through the mountainside pass with cautious speed. Driving said vehicle, a rather beatdown and old Toyota, was a man. Though he wasn't the only one in the car, behind him in the passenger's seat was a brunette girl passed out harder than a rock.

This was the single dad, Fuku Toshiro, and his daughter Fuku Okuri. Toshiro having short and straight black hair, with a few loose bangs covering his forehead. For his age, he was rather youthful and had a toned body. As for his daughter, she was much more petite, but she had hair of the same color albeit messier and reaching her lower back. Both had very dark green eyes.

Toshiro: Okuri! We're almost at the hot spring resort! Wake up!

Slowly rousing herself awake, Okuri opened half-opened her eyes and grumpily pouted at her father.

Okuri: Ugh... and I was having a nice dream too...

That was until she shot awake when she realized her father called her by her full first name. Not out of fear of punishment or anything, Okuri simply hated the meaning behind it.

Okuri: Also... stop calling me Okuri! Just Kuri or some other nickname like I've said countless times! Why did you have to name me after a weird shadow yokai dog!?

Toshiro: Me and your mom thought your hair looked like it's fur back then. And I think it's a pretty cute name! There's nothing to be embarrassed about- gah!

The delusional father was silenced by a strong throw of a neck pillow to the back of his head, though it didn't actually really hurt at all. Most of the damage was emotional, since his precious daughter was rebelling against her father. 

Okuri: It's not cute! Just because my hair is messy doesn't mean I look like a creepy monster!

Toshiro: Whatever you say, Kuri. Geez... my daughter is at that age now... 

Feeling a pang of guilt at making her father look so miserable, Okuri decides to relent.

Okuri: F-Fine, maybe it's a little fitting. There's no point in changing it when you're already used to it.

Toshiro: I'm touched, but whenever I try and say it out in public you take it back immediately. Seriously, I think it's cute so I don't see why you don't want to be called it. Your mother and I really thought hard on it!

Okuri: That's because I get made fun of if you call me that at school! Even if the intentions are good the results are still bad!

Suddenly the light hearted mood in the car dampened, and Toshiro's face scrunched up in displeasure as his hand gripped the steering wheel tighter.

Toshiro: ... what? Who's making fun of my precious daughter? I'll beat them up- no, I'll kill them. I'll definitely kill them.

Okuri: I slipped up... 

Toshiro: Sweetie? It's okay to tell me, I just want to talk to them. I just want to talk.

Okuri: You definitely don't want to just talk to them! The steering wheel is making weird noises from how hard you're holding it!

Toshiro: Huh-


The two looked on in abject horror as the man known as Toshiro, with his surprising levels of strength, had just shattered the steering wheel into pieces. How a man could do that, neither of them knew. Most likely however, it was simply the power of fatherly love (rage). But this wasn't the time to think about that, as now the two's car was lacking the thing controlling it.

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