Chapter 6:

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Y/n ran, happy to have her body back as she no longer had to deal with everyone's judgemental stares. She held the bag close, annoyed that she couldn't explain herself to him.

'Why do I care? I do not! But Koko was so lovely to me, and she knew I wasn't Lloyd.' She sighs heavily, letting her h/c cover her face as she looks at the ground. What she sees in the shadows is one of the thugs following her. She tries to remain calm and act normal. 'There is only one; I am sure I can take one-' As she pulled out Koko's compact mirror from the bag, she saw more on the rooftops. 'I am so dead.' She goes to fix her make-up that Nya or Pix undoubtedly helped Lloyd with.

She continued to walk until she felt someone's breath on her ear. She fumbled with the mirror, hoping to see who it was.

"Relax 'ss." An oddly smooth voice said. "You're a hard perssson to find."

"Who are you?" Y/n keeps her voice low, using her h/l to her advantage, as she uses her peripheral vision, and although she cannot see the person, she can see a glint of light as if to make a shape.

"All will be explained, but you need to trusst me." The voice said. "Unlessss you wish for everything you worked for to be undone."

Y/n didn't reply, taking silence to think of her next move. She wasn't really in a position to negotiate, and for once, something she cared about was at stake, and it was her fault. "Lead the way." She mumbled; soon after, she felt a scaley hand gently pull her into an alleyway. She could tell by the way he led her. It was meant to look like she was alone with his hand on her upper back to assist.

The person trailed her quickly only to get through back. Before Y/n could respond, the rest of the Thugs jumped out. Only before anyone could get closer, an invisible force kept them away. She watched as several people got thrown around like rag dolls. Once each person was no longer awake, the voice spoke.

"What a hasssle." There was a profound irritation laced in his words. "After you - Chossen one."

"Not until I know where you are talking to me." Y/n crossed her arms. "And who you are."

A dark, villainous laughter rang out, reminding her of a TV villain. Soon, she could not put a face to the voice as before; she was the same snake she had seen the first time in the secret ninja force's HQ. He had white scales and purple markings, and his red eyes looked dead at her.

Y/n could not help but find the design on his scales to be calm, not caring to notice his menacing eyes. "Woah!" She explained.

"Yesss, well i can be quite- Wait, What?!" The serpentine looked flabbergasted at the response. "What do you mean woah!? How dare you mock me! Essspecially after I risssked my ssscalesss to help you!"

Y/n couldn't help but laugh at the now-insulted snake before her. Gripping the wall, she finally catches her breath. "N-no, I mean...I think you look cool!" She smiled as he scanned for any hint of deceit, only to come up empty-handed. He smiled, showing his fangs.

"Yess, Well maybe thiss will be worth my while after all." The snake looked pleased. "You may call me Pithor. I am an Anacondrai. They are the strongest fighters in all the sserpentine tribess." He boasted to her. Y/n smiled at this.

"Noted. So where are you taking me Pithor?" She asked before cringed when she saw the snake open the manhole cover. "No way-"

"There iss more of them you know, and They sseem to want that bag." He smirked as he saw her pull the bag closer. "Besidess, You can come with me, and we can get that Prophecy ssolved, or you go back to the green ninja and let him blame you more. Your choice." He held out his hand, and Y/n took it, not hesitating.

After hours of walking in the maze of Ninjago's sewer system, they eventually stumbled upon a seemingly endless dead end. Pithor pushed a few different bricks in a particular order to open up a hidden staircase. Upon entering, Y/n finds herself in a dimly lit corridor adorned with deep purple and lavender accents. The walls are covered in intricate patterns, casting eerie shadows as concealed lighting emanates from the edges.

The main chamber came into sight, and it was a vast, cavernous space with a high ceiling, giving it an almost cathedral-like feel. The room held dark oak furniture, dominating the surroundings. Lavender accents are strategically placed to break the monotony, adding a touch of elegance to the otherwise sinister atmosphere.

The walls are lined with high-tech control panels and monitors, displaying maps of the city above and secret surveillance footage. Sinister plans and blueprints, which have been long discarded, are scattered across work tables. Y/n looked at the oddly polite snake, who smirked back at her. "Pleasse do mind the messss."

The lighting in the lair is strategically placed to cast long shadows as if out of a storybook. Sinister laughter echoes through the chamber, creating an unsettling ambiance. Making Y/n look at Pithor with a 'realy' look.

"What can't I have a little fun?" He said. "I never have a chance to do that anymore. I prepared a room for you; I didn't know what color sscheme you liked, so I guesssed."

He led her to a room and opened the dark oak doors. The walls are painted in a deep teal hue, creating a calming atmosphere. A large mural depicting cherry blossoms in purple and blue is a focal point. The bed is a low platform with a dark oak frame adorned with plush pillows and throws in shades of purple, blue, and teal. A traditional Japanese screen featuring intricate patterns in these colors stands proudly near the bed, separating the sleeping area from the rest of the room. This could be clearly seen from the doorway. She saw that to the right of the bed was a study corner featuring a dark oak desk with drawers for scrolls, brushes, and ink. The chair is cushioned in a royal blue fabric, which looks comfortable. The soft glow of a teal-shaded lamp illuminates the desk.

Y/n slowly entered and looked around. There was a small training area designated by a dark oak mat where martial arts could be practiced. The mat is bordered with teal cushions for comfort during meditation. A display rack on the wall showcases an assortment of practice weapons, each meticulously crafted and maintained. This took her by surprise, attempting to turn her attention to the snake before she saw a dark oak wardrobe near the training area in one corner with engraved symbols she didn't recognize. Garments: The deep colors complemented the room's overall color scheme. There were a few strategically placed bonsai trees with delicate purple and teal blossoms, adding a touch of nature.

"Okay, so first, I love this; second, what's with the training equipment?" Y/n looked back at Pithor.

"To train." He said like it was apparent. "Honessstly I do not care for the ninja ssso I'll train you to fight like a ssserpentine. The ssemurai get up isss for your ssafey in a fight. Humanss have ssuch fragle bodyss."

Y/n rolled her eyes. "I don't recall asking for training."

"Oh? Sso you think you can jusst barge in the villianss lair and jusst take the woman back? Or wass your plan to assk nicely?" Pithor said with his arms crossed. Y/n thinks for a moment and realizes he has a point, as she did refuses to train with the ninja.

"You'll help me with the Prophecy part as well right?" Y/n asked.

"Of coursse. That wass the deal wass it not?" Pithor said.

"Then why are we training?" She looked at him with distrust.

"Jusst think of it as 'ss a package deal." He held out his hand to shake. Only after a moment's hesitation Y/n shake his hand.

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