Chapter 1 pt 1, Ugh, Fired

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-Female Y/N
All these chapters have these things so
be warned ⚠️




Sigh.. you sighed as you read a letter which said that you were fired.
"Man... And I had an amazing job aswell! I had a good paycheck, I normal boss, friendly co-workers- AND THAT BITCH WHO FRAMED ME AND GOT ME FIRED" you yelled in frustration.
Sigh.. You sighed again
You were sitting at you desk in your bedroom, your bedroom was medium sized, with a double bed, a small table on both sides of the bed with a lamp and a few sketch books and pencils along with a few novels you would read in your free time
You had a big window eith your desk sitting infront to the right of the window
In the corner close to your door you had your closet

You looked out of the window staring at the tree that only half of which is visible, you looked at the sunset, with a slight breeze of wind moving the leafa gently, every now and then a bird would fly pass

You looked in aye and then you put on a tired expression
"Ughhhh" you groaned laying your head in your desk. You lifted your head slightly looking at the letter and the bills
"I need a new job, I mean I do have savings, but.. Im not about to use all that money I spent years saving up for something like this, nah I just have to find a new job.. haha.. easy right?...


You complained loudly and annoyed while putting your arms extended out in the air, and leaving them extended but resting
Sigh.. you sighed for the third time today
You looked to your left, to your bed, and stared at the bonnie plushy you had on the bed, that was one of the many plushies you had gathered during your time working at the locations
You looked back at your desk looking at the balloon boy figurine you had there
'Why havent I gotten rid of that thing yet'... you thought remembering how much trouble BB had caused you back at the location you had spent so many nights at, not forgetting the horrifying experience there as well.
You sighed for the forth time while closing your eyes
You opened them and looked to your right at the original freddy fazbear poster
You had gathered a bunch of merch over the years ever since you were a baby
You remembered the good times when your father used to take you to freddy fazbears pizza, and all the fun you used to have and the joy you experienced
Even though you were a baby you can remember many things in detail.

You blinked again coming back of zoning out
You pushed yourself and got up from the chair and streched hearing a few boned pop and crack givin your body a satisfying feeling,
You walked towards the door and outside leaving the door open, you looked right and headed that way towards the stairs and walked down almost tripping because you missed a step
You looked around at the empty house
You listened to the silence, it started to overwhelm you,
You felt lonely, you felt alone
It scared you
You felt your anxiety start to visit you once again
You wished you had someone here, so you wouldn't be so lonely
You don't know why but your whole life ever since the accidents happened you've been afraid of being alone
You were afraid of being alone
Of being abandoned
To have no one you could hug and seek comfort
To have no one to talk to
You were well aware of your autophobia.

You snapped out of you zoning out again
You started calling you cat, Twinkles, he was the only one you had in your life, he was a black fluffy-ish cat eho had thousands of small white dots all over him, which gave you the idea of calling him twinkles.
You suddenly heard light thumping
You looked from looking straigh at the living room to your left to the kitchen

Then you heard a sweet 'Meow'

You smiled seeing twinkles appear walking to you
You bent down and opened your arms and he walked into you arms snuggling with you and starting to purr
You felt relieved and at ease now that he was with you
You felt your heart beat on your chest eith a feeling if joy
Sigh.. you sighed for the fifth time, content
You stood up while cuddling your cat and giving him little kisses in his head

You turned to your right at the living room and walked towards the couch, you sat down with Twinkled in your arms he now laying on your lap while you petted him in the head caauing him to purr loudly
"How about we watch a movie?"
"Meow" meowed twinkles
You grabbed the remote and turned the TV on and opened Netflix
You decided you wanted to watch something funny with one of your favorite actors
"How about we watch 'Baywatch'?"
You suggested in which you got another meow as an answer
You smiled happily while you pressed play
You got comfy and started watching




Oh how much you wished you had someone to talk to, of course you were thankful for having Twinkles, if it wasnt for him you would have gone insane without no one to talk to or no living being to hang around with
But you wish you had someone to have a conversation with, give opinions in movies, joke together, hangout together, support each other whenever the other needed....

You felt your eyes water as you watched the movie
You smiled and laughed at a part of the movie
You layed down a bit and snuggled even more with Twinkles
"Thank you Twinkles, I love you so much my little loaf" you smiled

And the you fell asleep




AND THATS PART 1 OF CHAPTER 1 hope yall enjoyed :)
I'll upload another part like tomorrow bye have a good one 😌

1036 words

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