3 A New Job?

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Your POV





I opened my eyes to see a black void.. I was floating and all of a I was standing on floor it looked and acted like water but my feet were not wet and it had no reflection.. I was looking around to see if I could see something but it was like a infinite pitch black void

"HELLO?" I said hoping someone would answer me

"HELLOOOOO? ANYBODY THERE?" I got no answer "Hmp" I huffed annoyed

what kind of dream even is this? then I started to hear some thumping.. like.. footsteps but slow footsteps, as if something big was slowly walking, it was like big heavy steps and I could hear some shuffling 

I looked all around me multiple time spinning again and again but. THERE WAS NOTHING! 'Am I hearing things?' I thought

The footsteps kept getting louder and louder as if getting closer to me, at this point I started to feel uneasy, I could feel the anxiety rising, I couldn't see where it was coming from and it was getting closer and closer to me!

I was already on edge and wondered if it was just me hearing things

"HeLLO? who- who's there?-" I asked but nothing answered

Now I started hearing a metallic sound with the footsteps, and this made me panic. I started to remember when the animatronic where chasing after me, with those loud footsteps and metallic shuffling

Then it clicked, It must be a animatronic because it sounds exactly the same, but what made the situation 2x worse is that I couldn't see it and it wasnt dark it was well illuminated it was just a black void

my breathing started to accelerate why I turned around looking for that damn animatronic, whichever one it might be


All of a sudden I feel something grab my shoulder, I instantly turned around, To see Springtrap Jumpscare me with those white glowing eyes


"AAAAAA" I woke up screaming while jolting up, I stared at the wall while breathing rapidly.     I was sweating and I had tears in my eyes.   I could feel myself at a verge of a panic attack, I started touching each individual finger while skipping the ring finger to stop me from having a panic attack it helped me focus, "Meow?" Twinkles meowed while he brushed himself against me knowing what had happened to me, he is a clever cat, I am so grateful for having him

I slowly started calming down while taking deep breaths

'god how much I hate this trauma sucks, so muuuuuch' I sighed in exhaustion 

After working in those locations, it scarred me a lot, it traumatized me badly, I went to therapy for a few months, like 3-4, it helped me a bit but I knew it wasn't going to help me anymore more, I started having nightmares after Fazbear Frights, every night, I swear they were real, my therapist said it was my imagination and that I was hallucinating, but their bites felt real enough, I still have nightmares, almost every day, sometimes I would a have a dreamless sleep which I am grateful for, I have PTSD as well, I jump at any fucking noise, sometimes Twinkles drops something and it scares the shit out of me and I stay jumpy till the next day

I also have panic attacks all the time, my anxiety just rises because sometimes shadows in the corner of a room in my house look so similar to my nightmares, I keep the lights on because of that and when I turn them of I go to bed and just keep my eyes closed, I also have panic attacks after nightmares, it just.. scares me

Freddy Fazbears... Again..   Security Breach X ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora