I love you

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A few weeks later...

Her eyes opened slowly, and she glanced around blearily, trying to discover the annoying sound that had roused her from her dream. When she eventually finds the offending item, she looks at the time on the alarm clock—6 a.m. She grumbles in frustration and tosses the clock against the cream-colored wall.

"Good morning to you too." An amused voice came from their bedroom door. She quickly turned her body away from the door, trying to get some sleep, but the man was quick enough to pull the bed sheets down. The cold air hit her and she tried to pull the cover up. He didn't let her. She turned to lay on her stomach while groaning some more. The man slowly walked backwards with a small grin enough to show his dimples and turn on the lights.

She threw the alarm clock to the floor as she tried to pull the covers over her head, but the tall handsome man was quick to hold her and start tickling her in areas he knew she was ticklish in.

"Aaron Aaron no. STOP! Noooo don't tickle me," Emily said as she tried to gain the upper hand, but she knew that was impossible because the man was strong. Instead an unlickely sound came from her mouth which caused them to stop and staring only to break out in laughter.

She quickly straddles his legs, "good morning," and captures his lips between hers. Slowly trailing her lips down his neck as he hands runs up and down her back gently.

His phone rings ruining the moment between them as the sprang a bit apart. Aaron answers the phone, "good morning, we have a case in Seattle," JJ said as she prepares her coffee.

"Oh okay, we should then brief on the jet considering that the flight would be a bit long," Aaron said as Emily tucks her head giving small kisses where his neck meets his shoulder.

"I'll brief the others and I'm sure you'll tell Emily," JJ said with a small smirk to her face.

"Yes I will. I'll see you soon," Aaron said with a small smile. Only has been a month ago since Emily and him revealed their relationship to the team.
They had already been dating for 7 months and it was finally time to tell them only for the team to mock them. Apparently, they were the only ones who couldn't tell that they both loved each other.

Before that Emily would join Aaron to Jack's soccer games early in the morning as she couldn't say no to the youngest Hotchner. Eventually, her feelings grew and she found herself falling for the single dad. Aaron did as well. Now 8 months later, she couldn't see her life without them.

"As much as I love to continue this sweetheart, we have a case in Seattle," Aaron said as he closed his eyes a bit before sighing. Emily broke apart and lean her forehead against his.

"Can you make coffee please and don't forget to call Jessica to take Jack to slow," Emily said was small smile. Aaron just nodded and slowly got up detangling himself from Emily.

"Think of coffee considerably made," he said as he opens to the door. Emily smiles as she enters the en suite bathroom quickly getting ready for work.

She brings her go bag with her and sets it next to Aaron's bag near the door. She walks in the kitchen, giving Jack a kiss on the head and telling her boys good morning.

"Morning Em'ly," Jack said as he tries to eat his breakfast fast because Jessica was coming over soon. In five minutes she arrives and hugs Jack. Jack finishes his breakfast while Aaron showers and Emily chats with Jessica.

It was finally time to leave to go meet the others on the jet. Emily gives Jack a hug and a kiss with a promise to call him before his bedtime and AAron does the same.

They both walk out without knowing what could happen in the next few days.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10 ⏰

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