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̈3rd person's pov:

Pakin looks at them after they wore his clothes and said "WOW. You both are totally diff sizes but my clothes still fit you like a glove. Aren't I just great?"

"No." gem and forth both replied in a cool toned unison which left poor ass pakin with a pouting face.

"You are fudging mean .I invited you to hangout and this is how you both treat me??!" 

"Yes." again they replied in a cool toned ,together. 

Pakin made an annoyed face and said "we are gonna go to the bar."

"The bar? Then why the hell did you make us change our previous outfits were just fine dude."

"Yea. But it's not a bar with chicks." Pakin replied.

"Do you even know what a bar means man?" Gem said again.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! aren't we all underage? How do you both know sm about bars?" Fourth interuppted them .

Gen and pakin both starred at forth dumfounded. How is he so innocent? I can't believe a person like him still exists.

"Hey man? have you ever had a drink?" Gem asked placing his hands in forth's shoulder.

Forth simply shook his head indicating a "NO."

"wth?? Dude you are f-king pure ." Pakin shouted at him. 

"Am I ?" Forth replied scratching his head.

"Yeah. Let today be the day you have ur first shot." Gem replied excitedly.

"No thanks. I don't wanna drink." 

"Why tho? Just try it dude. It's not a crrime."

"Technically it is but I think we shouldn't pressure him dude. he is a "pure" sole." gem told pakin who was shocked at who was saying that to him.

" thanks" forth wispered to gemmy.

"Let's go sm where else then? The park or somewhere fun and appropiate for our fot baby here." pakin teased him to which fot gave a glare and said "If you wanna go clubbing then go. Idc dude. i'll just stay here."

"I was just JOKING brooo. Do't get mad naaa." pakin pinched fot's cheeks to which he blushed lightly. 

Gem was just standing there waiting for them to make up their minds. He saw Pakin pinching fot's cheeks and thought "DAYuumm his cheeks must be so soft. Ewww ǃ What the hell am I even thinking .I need to seriously stop hanging out with PAkin. It's effecting my mental health."


Hey my muchkideessss. Sry 4 calling yall that but you know ..I am a student... and my school torturess us ..and we don't have much holidays .So, i rellly can't find the time to write this "fanfic" or anything u wanna call it. So, i'd like to apologise for posting these stories so rarely and after such long time intervals. I really had planned to post every week but.... ya knoww            schooll<<. 

SO yeah , i blabber a lot. even in text, so byeeeeeeee.

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