T10- Relationship/Love?❤️❤️

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The tasks are for fun. No pressure to answer.

1. Are you single/taken?
2. Do you have a crush on someone? If yes then for how long?
3. Have you ever received proposals?
4. Share your love story/ crush story, if any!
{ I will share mine, although nobody is interested, you can just take it as an example 😅😂.
1. I am currently single
2. I still have a crush on my ex.
3. Yes, my ex proposed to me
4. We were college friends and used to spend a lot of time together, one day he proposed to me. I took 3 months to say yes, it was 2 years of relationship. We broke up because he was going abroad to study, it doesn't matter we both are still good friends. }

Hope you liked this task.❤️❤️ You guys can recommend topics for our next tasks ----->here

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