chapter four

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"Wait, I'm sorry, you're a surgical nurse now?" Nate, my older brother, says. Nate is two years older than me, which means he's been the most supportive, protective person in my life. Every time I've brought a man home—which isn't a lot—he always hates him. Well, most of the time.

"So...what did James say?" Proof of most of the time.

My brother is absolutely obsessed with James. His girlfriend is absolutely obsessed with James. His fucking child is absolutely obsessed with James.

Basically, James is God to them. They don't go to church with me on Sunday cause they'd rather be praying to James. Until I go over to their house with James and kidnap Charlie. Then they agree to come.

My brother likes my best friend more than me.

"Really, I tell you I got asked to be on a case at the best pediatric hospital wing in the country, even though I'm not in college yet, and that's your response?" I ask, looking up at him.

"Exactly. So?"

I sighed and looked up at him. "He said he was proud of me, okay?" I walk away from him, walking into our kitchen.

"Anna, you and I both know that isn't the only thing he said. Tell me." He says, following me around.

I go to talk before hearing the front door open. "Anna?" I hear James scream out while he walks into my house.

"Shut the fuck up, no way." Nate says, running out of the kitchen.

I laugh before following out the kitchen, watching him run to James and hug him.

"No way you two aren't fucking." I say, laughing while they fake make out.

"I don't think I'm the sibling he wants to fuck." Nate says, walking towards me and messing my hair up before walking into the kitchen again.

"Where my hug at?" He asks, opening his arms. We both physically cringe and I walk up to him.

"If you ever say something like that again, I will personally kill you." I say, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"And yet, you still hugged me." He says, making me look up at him. "Wild." I slapped his back, making him laugh.

He keeps on arm around my shoulder while we walk into the kitchen. "All I'm saying," I hear from in front me, "the proof is in the pudding."

"Baby, we have to let them figure it out for themselves, just like we did." Loren, Nate's girlfriend says.

"Lore, they're walking around with their arms around each other, there's an undoubtable thing happening." Nate says, pointing to me and James.

"Okay, if you two are done using me as your own personal Elle Kennedy novel, I have places to be. You're welcome to come with us, but I have places to be, songs to sing, and food to be eaten when service is over, thank you and goodbye." I say, pulling James' hand out of my house.

"Your car or mine?" He asks, closing the door behind me.

"Mine, I want to drive." I say, getting into my car.

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