A Fake Identity

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      Clay sighed. "Come on, Star, we can't actually do that." He told her.

      Starla shook her head at him like he was a dumb little toy. "Sure we can, but we have to do it fast! Come on!" Starla started chasing Fiona which led Clay no choice but to follow after her.

      Clay examined the footprints one by one and the similarity became all too clear. Either he was completely out of his mind, or rationally sane, he had to tell Starla immediately. He rushed after her. "Starla, I found out something."

      Starla shushed him and showed him her phone.

      Clay sighed heavily. He had to tell her he knew who the footprints belonged to, but looked at the phone anyways. It was the news playing current events.

      "The mysterious supermarket thief is still unfound, but a new detective has risen and is willing to solve the case! Can we all give a big round of applause toooo Ross Blissfeld!"

      Starla let go of the phone, but before it fell, Clay held onto it.

      Clay looked at Starla. "Star? What's wrong?" He asked shakily, but he obviously knew what was going on in Starla's mind because they both knew Ross; not Fiona. Whoever this detective was, is not who she says she is.

      Starla shook her head. "You know Ross Blissfeld, don't you?" She asked him.

      "Y-Yes, I do. I was trying to tell you something earlier, but—"

      "But what? You didn't think I could handle it? You didn't think I would listen to you?" Starla asked as she began to panic from the sudden memory of Ross Blissfeld.

      "I already figured out who the culprit is. But I didn't tell you because you wouldn't let me. You always think you're better than me, but on the contrary, you are completely wrong!" Clay snapped.

      The first event asks the following question; who is Fiona/Ross and what does she really want? Can she be trusted or not at all?

      The second event answers the previous question by giving a bit of background information revealing how Starla and recognize Fiona/Ross.

      The third event raises the stakes by introducing that Fiona is really Ross and is supposedly the supermarket thief.

      In the fourth and final event, Starla and Clay both end up putting Ross Blissfeld behind bars after asking her a few personal questions which lead up to more crimes throughout her entire life.

      Starla looked at Clay like he was crazy for even mentioning that to her. "Excuse you, Clay, but I deserve to know everything you do! Especially if it's about Ross Blissfeld who claimed she was this Fiona girl."

      Clay yawned and it was obviously fake which made Starla want to throw something at him. Anything in her reach, but there was nothing to throw except her sunglasses, but she didn't want to ruin them.

      "Are you going to tell me who the culprit is or are you just going to stand there?!" Starla yelled furiously.

      Clay opened his mouth and began to speak, and strangely enough, it wasn't his voice that came out.

      "I don't think anyone is going to tell you, little lady." The voice said.

      Starla stared at Clay and went to take her shoe off so she could throw that at him instead.

      "Star! I didn't say that!" Clay said as he threw his arms in the air to block Starla's shoe.

      "Then who else was it, Clay? And it better be a fabulous excuse!" Starla said as she aimed her shoe at him.

      "I would save your shoe, miss. It's quite dangerous." The same voice said and Starla turned around to face them. Her mouth dropped when she saw it was Fiona. Or Ross. Whoever she was.

      "What do you want from us?" Starla and Clay asked in sync.

      "Why I came to help you, of course. I figured that since you two are wanting to become real detectives, you need help from a real one." She replied.

      "How can I trust you?" Starla asked.

      "We all have our doubts, I get it. But who better to trust than a fellow detective?" She held out her hand as if she were making a deal and waited for Starla to accept it.

      Starla stared at Fiona's (Ross) hand for a moment and contemplated to herself whether or not it was really a good idea to trust her. How could she trust her? She randomly shows up out of the blue and claims to be this awesome detective. Even Starla could do that herself! Well, technically, she already has, but she didn't create a fake identity and try to pretend like she was a know it all. She sighed anyways and reached out for her hand. As Starla shook her hand, she looked down at her shoes and found another footprint almost exactly identical to the ones in the trail. Starla got a sickening feeling that she had just gotten betrayed. *Could she be someone she's claiming she's not. Or what if . . .* Starla's thoughts were interrupted when the lady began to release the hand shake.

      "Looks like we have a deal, kiddos. Now what's the plan?" Fiona stepped forward and her shoe left a footprint next to the trail of footprints and Starla immediately gasped. They were exactly the same. Same shoe size. Same indents. It was a perfect match.

      "It's nice working with you, Ross Blissfeld." Starla said and stared at her with a huge smirk on her peach-colored face.

      Fiona stepped backward a bit, but kept eye contact. "Ross Blissfeld, aye?" She asked. She didn't seem to be at all phased by the accusation.

      Clay quickly retrieved a mini notebook inside of the pocket in his baggy pants as well as a clicker pen. "Ross Blissfeld or Fiona. Whoever you like to be called by, we have a few questions for you. Oh, and don't worry. It'll be so swift you wouldn't realize what's happening." He chuckled a bit and cleared his throat. Clay bombarded Ross with a handful of questions and barely gave her enough time to answer them. She eventually answered all of his questions and a small grin flashed across her face as he turned to Starla with the results.

      Starla stared at Ross's answer and her jaw dropped. Past memories started flooding her mind. "These footprints. They're awfully small and too recognizable to anyone with those feet. Did you look at her feet?" "The mysterious supermarket thief is still unfound, but a new detective has risen and is willing to solve the case! Can we all give a big round of applause to Ross Blissfeld!" Starla quickly pulled out her phone and dialed in 911.

      Clay watched her. "Star? What are you doing?" He curiously asked.

      Starla ignored him and held her phone up to her ear eagerly. "Yes? Hello. Yes, hi. I'm Starla Hex. A young detective. I've found the supermarket thief." Starla said. She was staring at Clay with those beady eyes. Eyes of determination and . . . revenge.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10 ⏰

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