Chapter 1

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It was my first day of school, and I was already dying to get home. However, the home I knew was no longer there. One night and a boy, that's all it took to make my life a complete mess.

 It was bad enough being the new girl in school; but to be the new pregnant girl was worse, even worse than I had expected.

 Everyone stared and even though some seemed nice, I could see every bit of the disapproval and disgust in their eyes. No one wanted to be friends, but I'd expected that. This was supposed to be a good thing, moving to a new place, but so far I had not found any difference. Except the fact that now I was even more uncomfortable in my body.

 I hated Damien for what he had done. I even hated myself for falling so hard. All I had done was destroy my dreams and my future. Now I was destined for a life as a single teenage mother. I will never again get to stay out late or sleep in. For me it would be: late nights with a crying baby and early mornings with more and more responsibility than before.

 I wanted nothing more to be back in Ohio with my friends that understood me.  I wanted to be home in the cool seventy degree summer where my pregnant body didn't almost explode just by walking to the car. But instead I am here in South Carolina, where I just want to die. Could life get any worse?

 After a few weeks in school, not to mention a new summer wardrobe, I finally settled into a schedule and learned where all my classes were. It was the same routine everyday, get there as fast as possible. I memorized the shortest paths cutting out all interaction with other students. They didn't want to know me, and I didn't want to know them. Eventually all their faces blended together. Even kids in my class blurred eventually. Yet, during third-block today,  I noticed someone I had never seen before. Her face stuck out among the blurs. She seemed tired, but full of energy at the same time. I perked up when I heard her mention a daughter.

 Could this girl have just had a baby? Sure, she seemed tired, but she seemed so happy. Why would she be happy from such a horrible experience? Labor was going to be bad enough but night after night without sleep, never going out with friends... and was her boyfriend even with her? Boys could be such cowards when it came to taking care of their responsibilities. Could it really be possible that she was happy?

 Her voice tore me away for my thoughts, "Can I help you with something?"  I must have been staring like and idiot.  Normally, I would have taken this offensively, but she seemed to genuinely want to help me. As if.

I politely said "No" and went back to my work, and thoughts of a baby getting closer everyday.

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