Chapter 15

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Okay so I got the last chapter up early, and my creative juices were still flowing so I decided to go ahead and do this one too.  Don't forget to vote fan and comment.  LOVE Y'ALL!!!!!


It only took a week for the girls to get better.  I was happy about that and nervous at the same time.  I hope that they were okay but to me it just did not seem like enough time for the girls to fully recover.  They were doing fine, and back to normal.  Plus they had gained all their weight back, but it only took a week.  I thought for sure as sick as they were that they would be in the hospital for a month or so.  I had to accept it though and we left to come home.  We spent a few days their getting everything set up to go to Damian's parents, and that is where we are headed now.

We are 35,000 feet in the air and in thirty more minutes we will be landing on the roof of the house.  How weird is that?  I had forgotten how rich Damian was.  I have no clue how I ever ended up with him, but all I can say is thank God for miracles.  He was my everything, and without him my reasons for living would not exist. 

I was getting pretty nervous as time to touch down got closer.  It had been a long time since we interacted, and I didn't know how they would feel about me now, seeing as though I was the reason their son left home a year earlier than expected. Not to mention we now had babies before I graduated high school and he went to college. Despite the fact that they were rich, they always made time for Damian, and that's why I loved them so much.  They always had family dinners and movie nights.  I had always been welcome, but now I was not so sure anymore.  On the phone they seemed civil, but not as close as we used to be, and always seemed to want to talk to Damian not me.

" Buckle up and prepare for landing."  the pilot said.

I grabbed a twin and so did Damian.  Then we buckled and held the twins tight not wanting the turbulence to make one of them fall.  As we landed the knot in my stomach tightened, and soon the reason would be greeting us on the top of their mansion.

"You ready for this?" Damian asked.

"No time like the present huh."

We exited the plane with the girls and stepped onto the roof.  As soon  as we got off maids and butlers went to get our things.  And sure enough Mr. and Mrs. Daniels was standing waiting for us to get off.  Surprisingly they came up and hugged me and Mrs. Daniels took Emily from me. 

" Aww she is adorable.  Is this one Emily?"

" Ummm....yeah she is. How did you know?"

"We do get your pictures you send us, and we know them better than you think.  I am glad that you guys finally came to visit us though."

I had not realized how much attention they had been paying the twins.  I guess it was more than I thought.  It made me happy to realize how much they did care.  I was worried that they would not accept them as their own, but I guess I was wrong. 

" Baby, I think that the twins are getting kind of hungry.  Do you want to go feed them?"  Damian asked as Hope started to cry.

"Yeah that might be a good idea they did not eat for the whole flight up."

I went inside the house I once knew so well, and went to Damian's old room where I laid the girls in the crib that had suddenly appeared and went to make the bottles.  Once back I was looking for a chair to sit in when I noticed a rocking chair that looked amazingly like the one back at home.  Damian must have thought that we would be coming to visit and bought two for me.  I sat down with the Boppy and both twins.  I loved feeding time because sitting there in the rocking chair with the girls made me calm, relaxed and happy.  I fell asleep rocking them and in a while I woke up in the bed with the twins in their new crib.  Damian must have put us there when he came to find us.

I left the girls asleep and walked downstairs to find Damian.  At the bottom of the stairs I stopped when I heard my name.

"Harper and I have been doing so well these past few months.  I do not want her to know about anything that happened when I left.  Do you understand?" Who was he talking to. What didn't he want me to know? Why  Would he want someone to lie to me?

I thought he was on the phone at first so it surprised me to hear another voice answer back. A female voice.

"Yes, but why can't you just be honest with her, I mean she is going to eventually find out."  OH MY GOD was that Stacy?  What are they talking about?

"It was a mistake okay. I want to leave  the past in the past okay!"

"Fine whatever just do not come crying to me when you get in trouble. I will not be there to comfort you again."  With that she left.  What was she talking about?  He could not have cheated with her. Stacy was my best friend.  The only person I told where I was going, and one of the only ones I stayed in real contact with.  

I heard Damian coming and I just stood there.  I could not move.  All I could do was stand there shocked at what I had heard. 

"Oh,  hey babe what are you doing there?" I scared him. He expected me to be sound asleep. I overheard the whole conversation.

I just looked at him in disbelief.  This could not be true.  I felt my heart break as he looked down and asked me how much of that I had heard.

"I heard all of it.  How could you do that to me?  I had just told you that I was pregnant."

"Look, I am sorry so sorry.  I was stupid and for a few minutes Stacy made me forget about every responsibility that I was about to have.  I did not mean to hurt you.  And I never wanted you to know about it bab-"

"Do not call me that.  You do not cheat on somebody you call that especially after they tell you that they are pregnant.  Especially with their best friend.  What were you thinking? I just don't know what to say to you right now."

" I love you baby, you and the girls mean everything to me please forgive me I was stupid and I know it. Just please let's forget it ever happened."

"No, save it for someone else.  I can not forget that you cheated on me when I was pregnant, with my best friend.  If we mean so much to you then you would have never cheated on me then would you? Was she the only one? I mean you did get your thoughts strait for two weeks. Did getting your thoughts strait involve sleeping with other women?" He just stood there staring at me. A couple maids came to see what the commotion was all about. I saw it was the only one who I knew her name.

"Linda, please can you ask Mr. Daniels to get a plane ready for me to leave in the morning. I would like to go home." She said she would immediately. Apparently Stacy spent a few nights over here, and Linda didn't like it.

With that I walked back upstairs to his roomed packed all my stuff and thought about calling my mom.  She was right I never should have taken that stupid bastard back.  I felt like a fool and ended up putting the phone down and crying myself back to sleep. How could he?

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