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I look out the window
I see the falling droplets of water
They stick against the pane
They blow away in the wind
More of them fall, fall, fall and fall
I wish I could keep them all
But before I can do anything
they're all gone.

I remember when you said you love the rain
When you said that you could stand outside and smile
I could listen to you talk about it for a while
But now that memory brings me great pain.

For within your eyes was a sky itself
It was as if the rain belonged to you:
A dreamy pale blue
A dark stormy gray
Sometimes shimmering diamond in the sun
A light in your eyes you would never abandon

Morever, your smile, so bright, so warm
Such light would make the sun cower
Such light would make the stars glower
So sweet, like the chocolate you despised
So kind, like the characters that inspired you

We laughed together
You let me cry on your shoulder
And I would have let you do the same
We were side by side
Smiling with love
Holding each other
Like how the sun held the sky
Like how the moon held the stars

Alas, when we are miles apart, we are closer than ever
When we are seconds apart, we are farther than we've ever been
Yet somehow, we are better together, laughing at the same stupid jokes
Scrolling past memes
And listening to songs.
Playing Minecraft
And playing Animal Crossing.
We'd go outside
Petting the cows
Patting the chickens
Seeing the ducks
Screaming at the geese
And greeting the turkeys

We would be giving each other affection and be happy
Your hugs were just like your smile
Ever so loving
Ever so gentle
Oh how I wish I could hug you again.

Oh how I wish I could see your smile

Oh how I wish I could see your eyes

Oh how I wish I could hear your laugh, be by your side, hold your hand, dance in the rain and being in your arms

I try to stop thinking of you
But something always pulls me back to you
Something makes me want to be with you
Something makes me love everything you do
And everything you say

All at the same time hate what you do and hate what you say
For all the things you'd claim you'd do
But never got around to

I love you

I can wait

I can be patient as I ever was

Just promise me

Despite all the rain that has fell upon us
Despite all the hail and the sleet
Despite the huge, dark storm

That we can find a way to dance in the rain
Wash away all the pain
And see the rainbow past the clouds

That we can be together again
Happy and smiling
Being a team
Defeating the storm

Promise me that you still love me
You still cherish us
That even if our connection fades
We can reconnect on a whole new level

If we fall out of each other, we can fall for each other all over again

Most importantly

Please don't forget
The amazing times we've had
Please focus on you, but don't let me fade from your mind
Keep me in your heart
Just as I will you


Don't forget me

Will we be able to dance in the rain?

And forget all our pain?

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