DMV (Disney Music Videos) Part of Your World

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In Stolas's Castle Julie was in her room looking at her collection so was Octavia

In Stolas's Castle Julie was in her room looking at her collection so was Octavia

Octavia: Jules are you feeling okay

Julie: if only could make your father understand I just don't how all these wonderful things could be bad

Then Julie starts to sing

Part of Your World

Julie: Look at this stuff
Isn't it neat? Wouldn't you think my collection's complete?
Wouldn't you think I'm the girl
The girl who has everything? Look at this trove
Treasures untold How many wonders can one cavern hold? Looking around here you'd think Sure, she's got everything
I've got gadgets and gizmos a-plenty I've got whozits and whatzits galore You want thingamabobs? I've got twenty!
But who cares? No big deal I want more

I wanna be where the people are
I wanna see, wanna see 'em dancin'
Walking around on those, what do you call 'em?
Oh, feet
Flippin' your fins, you don't get too far
Legs are required for jumping, dancing
Strolling along down the, what's that word again?
Street Up where they walk, up where they run Up where they stay all day in the sun
Wanderin' free, wish I could be
Part of that World

Julie: What would I give if I could live out of this castle?
What would I pay to spend a day warm on the sand?
Bet'cha on land they understand
Bet they don't reprimand their daughters Bright young women, sick of swimmin'
Ready to stand And ready to know what the people know
Ask 'em my questions and get some answers What's a fire and why does it, what's the word? Burn? When's it my turn? Wouldn't I love, love to explore that realm up above? Out of this place Wish I could be
Part of that World

After Julie sing her song Julie look at the red sky when she saw Blitzø

Julie: Blitz

Blitzø: Julie what is all this?

Julie: it's uh my collection

Blitzø: oh I see you collection Hmm if Octavia's father founds out about this

Octavia: your not going to tell him are you

Julie: oh please Blitz he'll never understand

Blitzø: alright I won't tell him

Stolas: tell me what Blitzy?

Then Blitzø turn around and saw his husband Stolas

Blitzø: oh Stolas honey I was about to tell you about uh about our uh

Stolas: spit it out already Blitz

Blitzø: uh

Stolas: come on out with it

Blitzø: okay fine sigh Julie has a collection of stuff that she kept

Stolas: Julie!?

Julie: yes Stolas

Stolas: come here I need to talk to you alone

Julie: okay

Then Julie follow Stolas and took her to his bedroom

Stolas: I just don't know what we are going to do with you, young lady?

Julie: Stolas I'm sorry

Stolas: you shouldn't keep this from me Jules

Julie: I know Stolas it just ever since Miguel and I had broken up I been starting collecting things

Stolas: oh Julie

Julie: Stolas can you hold me for a moment

Stolas: of course darling come here

Then Julie went over to Stolas and hug him

Julie: Stolas are you still mad at me

Stolas: just a little mad Jules

Julie: I couldn't keep it a secret from you and Blitz

Stolas: I know that darling but you can't hiding your collection from us it's unhealthy

Julie: your right Stolas I should throw my collection away

Stolas: Jules no don't throw away your collection please

Julie: alright Stolas but I'm sick of Miguel Jackson he always treating me bad calling me names and saying I'm not good for him

Stolas: the nerve of that jerk

Julie: the only way I could do that is to burn everything that Miguel had given me

Then Julie went back to her room grab her things that Miguel had given her and throw them in the fireplace
Julie was going to town because she is about head to the bookstore to get herself a book

Tomorrow I'm going to be doing DMV (Disney Music Videos) Belle Julie was going to town because she is about head to the bookstore to get herself a book

Please vote and comment KaiSaunders85

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