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hushed whispers, that is all I heard as a walked down the steps.

Suddenly, a ball of blonde hair jumped on me, and I got a wiff of my sisters vanilla perfume. "OMG, can u believe our little baby Ari finally turned 18"

She just got back from college, and is only three years older then me. I took a good look at her and she has the same blonde hair and blue eyes as my mom. They're both are social butterflies filled with energy, and once upon a time I tried to be like that and soon figured out I am most definitely not fit for the role. I am more like my dad, introverted and probably where I get my stalker tendencies from. Suddenly, Ava dragged me by the arm, to where Cecily and Glyndon are.


"Ava," Cecily said resigned.


"Your practically choking her," Glyndon said hesitantly.

"Hush you, my little sister is joining us at college. She grew up too fast," Ava said tearing up. "Well now I have someone to go to parties with, since these to are too in love to not come. BUT YOUR STILL NOT ALLOWED TO DRINK!"

"Well you did not go the last few times did you Ava," Glyndon said with a smirk. Suddenly, my sister turn red.

Then again Ava yanked my arm before they said something that she most definitely did not want me to hear, but I will find out sooner then later. It is probably about Eli. Eli King the boy who has been head of heals for my sister as soon as she was born. My thought broke when I heard my dad yell, "YOU BETTER GET OUT OF MY HOUSE, KING SPAWN!!" 

God of ChaosOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant