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Isabel's Pov:

Stressed. That's how I'm currently feeling. That's how I feel every second of everyday. My job is so aggravating!

"Isabel can you come and wash the dishes please?!" Gosh can Merida not accomplish anything on her own?!

"Ya sure!" I yelled. "Not like you don't have hands or anything," I mumbled.

This diner isn't even all successful. I just work because living with a single mom is tough. I feel like I have to help her all the time I mean she raised me and gave me everything since I was little. I just always feel I have to give back even when she tells me consistently to not worry about it. Plus school is so hard. I try to be an overachiever sometimes and it stresses me out.

"Hey once you're done with those dishes you can leave. The diner seems to be quieting down."

"Okay, thanks Merida." Gosh what a relief! All I've wanted all day was to get out of this hell hole.

I hurriedly washed the dishes. Eager to leave this diner. Once I was finished I took off my apron and work clothes in the employee room and changed for my walk home. I need a car like quick. I cant always walk home this town is kinda creepy.

Ever since me and my mom moved out here after my dads death I've been quite skeptical. This town is so quiet and odd.

"Bye Merida!" I yelled while finally walking out the diner.

"Bye hun!"

Merida wasn't all that bad. She's from Texas and has this really cool accent but she can get annoying. Sadly she's the closest thing I've got as a friend in this town besides my best friend Zayn.

He's like my brother. I've known him since we were 3 and now we are both 17 going to high school together. Who would've known.

As I approach my home I prepare myself to enter my quiet abyss. When I glance to the left of my house I notice a moving truck.

Who would want to move into that old house? It's been vacant, from what the realtors have told us, for 10 years.

Oh well..I need a nap.


A.N.~ Isabel is played by Selena Gomez. Short because it's just the prologue but my chapters will be much longer. I hope y'all stay interested enough to continue reading. Enjoy! :)

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