Chapter 1 Two crazy bitches (prologue)

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“Let go” Itsuki shoved her brother into the front desk. “I don’t need help” She yelled, “I’m fine!'' She was covered head to toe with bandages. “Have you seen yourself?!” He screamed back at her, tired of how she was acting like her eps didn’t also affect him. He can’t stand to send her back, but what other choice does he have? 

  Tears welled up in her eyes looking down at her bandaged arms. The night before crossed her mind, the knife against her skin, cutting so softly like her skin was butter. She heard his cries ringing in her ears as she closed her eyes, biting her lip. “ごめん..” She said softly as she was pulled away by a nurse. She kept her head low, looking at her feet as the nurse pulled her along looking up every once in a while. Her eyes landed on a girl with medium curly purple hair.

 The nurse escorting the girl pulled her into a different room, the room was small and had one dim light on the ceiling. 

A rounded bookshelf bolted to the ground in the corner, A couch in the middle of the room, and a chair right across from it. The girl with purple hair named Celia knew what this room was used for because she’s been here before, they would ask her a bunch of questions that she will never answer. The nurse left and Celia went to sit on the couch, they only had it so patients would feel comfortable, which makes them more likely to answer the questions without freaking out. Celia took note that they hung up the ‘creepy paintings’ that other patients made.

A doctor came in holding what Celia assumes is her file and a clipboard. “Celia… hm.( Good?) To see you again, how are you today?” Celia looks up and doesn't answer, but gets a better look at the man this time. The doctor looks to be in his late 30’s and has light brown or dirty blonde hair tied into a ponytail, he must've grown his hair out since the last time she was here. She also notices that he wears glasses now and that some strands of hair are white, from stress probably.

Several minutes of silence pass, and the doctor has already taken the seat across from her “Celia. I get that you don't want to be here but, if you don't at least try to answer you won't be able to leave.” he sounded annoyed.. He probably had a long day but it's not any of the girl’s business “... I'm bored” The doctor took record of her response but she's pretty sure that wasn't even worthy of being written down  “have you been taking your meds?” Celia wasn't expecting this, usually they ask small questions and then ease into stuff like this but he was rushing it “Of course I have?” the doctor glared at her and wrote more stuff down. Boring. “Hm and have you been able to remember anything yet, Don't lie”  Remember what? Well for one, she could work on remembering what the fuck he was talking about, but she came up with nothing, her face was then left showing annoyance and offense “don’t you have my file? Doesn't that usually show shit that I'm ‘supposed’ to remember, and I don't lie either” I wonder if that would be considered a lie too. Just by saying she doesn't lie when everyone does.

The doctor wrote everything down as usual, Celia was about ready to rip that clipboard away from him and shove that pen into his eye socket. She already didn’t want to be here, but having to write every little thing down just annoyed her. “Still having difficulty sleeping?” back to normal questions it seemed. “No.” The lights sounded like they were buzzing and her ears started ringing and it was making her more irritable. The doctor didn't write anything down this time.

Itsuki sat in a waiting room and changed into gray sweatpants and sweatshirt. She hummed as the same girl from before swung the door open with aggression. Itsuki gave the girl a small smile and waved to her, but the girl didn’t even give her the time of day before being dragged away by a nurse. Suki rose up from her seat before going inside the room.  A handsome man sat at a chair in front of her flipping through papers on a clipboard as she made her way over to her chair. 

 “Itsuki, right?” She nodded her head. “How are you feeling today?” Suki smiled “Just peachy” 

  “Ah, that’s good, now have you been taking your meds?” He held the pen in his left hand. “All four of them, Doc” She hummed, The doctor nodded writing down what she said. “Now can you tell me why you were sent here?” She couldn’t help but laugh a little “The paper should say self-harm and suicide attempts” She crossed her legs “Not as bad as your other patients” 

 “Actually, it says you tried to stab your brother’s friend after he found you in the bathroom”
Itsuki stiffened at his words “I’m sorry, doctor but that’s an old file” She wouldn’t look him in the eye anymore. “No, Itsuki, you tried to stab him with a pink switchblade right in-” 

 “Shut up!” She grabbed onto her sweatpants, and a small shiver ran through her body. “I don’t want to talk to you anymore” her voice weak as she feels his smirk looking down at her. “Just one more question” He spoke softly giving her the courage to look at him “Are you still seeing things that aren’t there?” She shook her head weakly, quickly heading towards the door. The doctor grabbed her by her wrist way tighter than necessary. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Itsuki” His voice sent a shiver down her spine as she pulled her arm out of his hand and rushed out of the room. No nurse was waiting for her as they should be, so she started running down the hall to her room. Running right into someone. “I’m so sorry” She said quickly as she regained her balance looking at the person she just knocked down only for it to be “紫の女の子?” A smile came back to her face as she held her hand out. “I’m Itsuki”

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11 ⏰

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