Chapter 3

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(3rd Person POV)

Harry noticed Draco running towards them, fury blazing in his eyes. "You son of a bitch, I will end you!" He stopped in front of them, yelling at Arik, fists clenched. "And what are you going to do about it, huh?" Arik retorted, angrily. "Since when did you protect Potter anyway? He's your enemy, Draco, and you know that."

"No, he's yours. I only bullied Potter for my own selfish reasons, but now I realised that was wrong," Draco looked down into the poor boy's eyes. "Harry, I am so sorry, now I realised how much pain I caused you. I was wrong, and I'm tired of being a baby about it."

"Ugh, you are so weak, Draco," Arik jumped in. "Did you notice that no-one ever apologises to low-lives? Like Potter, for example? I suppose you're one now too." He stood up as he spoke, glaring at Draco. "You're considered the low-life around here," Draco retorted. "Everybody hates you. That's why your family kicked you out, why you're considered a psychopath, and every problem you have around people is because they hate you."

Arik was stumped at that. One of the good things about Draco, Harry had noticed, was that he was so good at words, that he could make anyone do or feel whatever he wanted.

Just then, Arik's fist went flying into Draco's face, but missed as Draco dodged. Draco then pushed Arik backwards, kicking him in the stomach as he fell. Arik tried to throw another punch, but missed again and in return, got punched and pushed backwards into the wall that was the Great Hall inside. Harry tried and failed to get up, instead falling to the ground, off his shaky legs. The fight had escalated, now Draco dodged another punch and kicked him in the bits from behind. Harry wasn't surprised he was doing so well, a lot of people said he was the best at combat in the school. Harry still managed to beat him in a duel back in second grade, though, but that was different.

"You idiot! You will pay for this!" Arik yelled in Draco's face, before Draco kneed him in the stomach. Draco didn't care. Arik couldn't beat him anyway.

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