Friend Part 2

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I'm lying against a body, legs bent, and I'm already reeking of something ungodly. I hope this body is alive. On second thought perhaps it would be better if it was dead? At least it wasn't pitch black as I'd expected. More of an eigengrau flavour, with the barest of light escaping from the window, at least that's where the light seemed to be coming from, if you can call it that.

A groan emanating from the lump of flesh solidified its human origin. "Hey, I guess we're cell buddies now huh? What's your name?". More groaning. I know this place is horrible, but you should maintain some level of decency here, we're not animals after all. And a conversation was all that was going to keep the despondent thoughts at bay, although if it came down to it, I could just talk to myself. A tad weird to be cozied up with a random criminal, I tried shuffling off him to the side, but soon realised it was not gonna work, I was stuck. Not to him, but the wall stopped me. I reached out to touch the other wall and realised there was barely any room there. Barely any room here. I tried to sit up, but my head hit the ceiling, "ah fuck". This couldn't be right, they put me in here, unable to stand, only half able to sit and with another grotesque person to top it off? Fantastic.

Some time passed, minutes? hours?, impossible to tell. I could feel sweat dripping all over me, I felt like it was mine, but I couldn't be sure. Filthy. If only this prisoner could move out of my goddam way for once. But hey at least I got used to the stench. I have to think positively, despite what every ounce of my being desires, the impulsive negativity brimming beneath the surface will not end well. I can already sense the spiral of despair twisting its way through my soul. It took all my energy to suppress it. Energy that was in short supply. It couldn't be long now until dinner came, served on a delectable plastic tray oozing with imaginary herbs and spices. A dream come true. 

A harsh snoring sound escaped the prisoner's mouth, I hoped it was his mouth, the metronomic cadence creating a stillness in the air. I could feel my heartbeat reverberating through my entire body, pounding ever more forcefully, it felt like an unstoppable wave. What was this? Just a few deep breaths is all I'd need. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Better. My eyes had closed to immerse myself in this meditative experience. Maybe I could learn to teleport, shed my bodily form and simply slide out into the world. But what if I couldn't regain my physical form? Would that be so bad though? Certainly better than being in here. Trapped. My eyes suddenly obsolete and utterly useless while my other senses had expanded. Listening to the snoring again, feeling in all too much detail the mangled body injecting itself into every muscle and bone of my body. God was he emaciated, it was all bone. Bone on bone throughout, not what I had in mind. I really hope he was always like this, he must've, no one can survive here like that I'm sure. How had he survived? or rather for how long? I guess if you sleep all day it's easy to pass the time, let boredom mean nothing and get lost in whatever thoughts spring to mind. Like basking in the sun, feeling the cool summer breeze all too known in the media I favourited as the quintessential life experience. Being able to lie down, rays of sunshine touching every part of you, gracing you with its presence. Can't wait for that feeling again.

Instinctively I felt my arms and legs elongating, attempting a stretch which was cut all too short. Literally. My legs couldn't straighten, just. If this guy just moved out of the way! it was all in vain. No matter the angle, no matter the strength, the puzzle couldn't be solved. That was safe to say, not ideal. In all my commotion sleeping beauty woke up. I could feel my heart pounding aggressively again, why? I guess Aurora was a threat. Aurora? really? He could barely move, I could barely move, there's no room to do anything to each other here anyway. No room for anything. The sound of my thoughts was overwhelming, blocking out all else. You know what would help, an unwanted conversation with Aurora.

"Hey Aurora wake up, where you from?"

Aurora was sound asleep again. Lucky bastard. Their faces were centimetres apart, the warm breath blessing my face was truly a wish come true. But I couldn't move away. My muscles started to feel tense, my shoulders stiff, my back tight. Should've done some pilates. Would that really have helped? I doubt they have a move called "stuck in a claustrophobic cell". It really was claustrophobic. The warm breath, the tight muscles. I can't move. The walls are not moving. WHY ARE THEY NOT MOVING. OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR. I kicked the door as hard as I could. No rattle, no echo, just a barely audible dull thud. I see where the silence outside came from now. Ouch, my foot was now in pain. Good work, demonstrating your prowess here impeccably, that'll help you survive here, idiot. The force inside me was too strong though, I had to do something. Breathing faster and faster, palpitations coursing through my veins and sweat escaping from every pore were not, not, on the agenda. A surge of nerves fired their energy through my throat letting out a guttural wail I didn't think was possible, bouncing off the walls and through them, reaching the surface and forcing itself into every ear willing or unwilling in the vicinity. 

Or so I hoped. I waited a few seconds, hopeful. I'm not sure for what, but anything would've been prime. Anything. I was isolated. Nothing but the walls pressing their unemotionally smooth surfaces onto every delicate part of my back. Squeezing. Suffocating. Oh no, I really was suffocating, taking in mouse-sized breaths at a rapidly increasing rate. Is this how I go? My head was swirling. Is this how my glorious incarcerated career ends? I was dazed, light-headed. But oh how good the cool breeze felt....

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12 ⏰

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