1:Stuck on the road.

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Credit to @_Diebu_


"Try it again."



"Nohing, Emily."

"Hold on a minute,let me try something else. "

Click. Click.

"Come on you piece of shit--"Leeland groaned. Q10

"Can you guys shut your trap? I can't get any sleep in this damn van." Julie grumbled, readjusting her pillow before she went to lean it on Sonny.

"Hey, no, wait--my space is limited already, stay on your side." He held up his hands. Julie huffed and sat upwards, waving her hand at me." Is it time to go now?! I don't want to be stranded in the middle of no where."

I shut the hood of the car and looked around, squinting my eyes. If I can just spot a gas statio--' I seen a pick up truck driving towards us. "Hey!" I waved my arms like a lunatic , Trying to get their attention. It soon came to a stop, and a tall, slender figure man stood out of it, his head tilting sideways. I held my hand up at the others and hurried over toward the man, before placing my hands behind my back." Hey there, stranger! I'm sorry to bother you!"

His dark eyes flickered between me and the van that held my friends, my body shivering . "There's no need. I'm not bothered by anything, but more as curious to why you're out here.."

God he's freaking hot--

No wait.

I cannot be distracted." Sorry, my mind isn't there currently. But our van broke down and I need to get to the nearest gas station to make a phone call, do you know where one is?"

He rubbed his chin, his eyes studying for a moment and I felt like Prey getting stalked by a predator. "There's one up north. Get in my truck, and I'll take you." I sighed in relief.

"Let me grab my friends--"

"JUST you."He said sharply. His face showed he was serious. I put my hands up to show I surrendered, turning so I can shout to them.

"He's going to take me to the station. I'll call for the sheriff!" I turned to face him, only to see us nearly chest to chest as his head was leaning down near mine. Mind you, my ass is 4"11. "U-Uhm, sir? You're too close."

He could only smirk, his hand extending out to touch a strand of my hair. "You look like a rabbit. Wonder if you're as fast as one."He stood up and went to the truck.

Don't look don't look dont--

My eyes betrayed me and stole a glance to his ass before I screamed internally, biting my knuckles. How does he got an ass and yet I'm flat?! Bullshit. I hurried over and pulled on the door, noticing a little red paint coming off on my fingers. "Did you just get your truck painted? I think I touched it accidentally. "I hopped in and wiped the red stain onto my shorts.

The man stared at my hand, opening his mouth to speak before he started it up, ans looked away from me. He gave off an uneasy vibe but I felt fine otherwise. It felt like a long drive, and now I was starting to get concerned about where we were going.

"Uhm..hey..I don't think there's anything nearby--"the truck came to an abrupt halt,using my hands I stopped myself from nearly hitting my head on the dash board. "What the hell man!?" I turned to look at him, only to see him unbuckling his seat belt and pull out a knife.

"Hell no!" I screamed. I pushed open the door and fell to the ground, scrambling to get up I heard his door open and he came trotting over toward my side. I grabbed a sharp rock just as I felt a sharp plunge to into my back. I screamed in pain and turned to hit him hard in the head with it.

He grunted and fell to the ground, I fell to my knees, my back was throbbing in pain. I got up and began running, trying to remember what direction I came from but it didn't do me no good when I heard,"Oh You aren't getting away!" I should've took the truck damn it!

I felt my hair get snatched and soon I was thrown to the ground, a soft grunt escaping my lips. Johnny was licking the blade he had stabbed me with, smirking, he placed it back into its holder. "Did you really think you had a chance?"

Yes I did bitch.

Yes I did.


It wasn't nothing too crazy, but I tried for the first time. Tcm is such a fun game when you play with friends mainly♡ have a great day.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 11 ⏰

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