First Friendship -Her

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Once upon a super sunny day 🌅in my little nursery school world, I was on a mission to find some friends to munch on lunch 🍜and shoot the breeze with. Lo and behold, my street buddy decided it was the perfect time to introduce me to her friend, Niranjana. The connection was instant, marked by a mega-watt smile😃, continuous name-calling, and tales of her sister's mischief, who, by the way, had a name similar to mine!

Niranjana quickly became the first friend I recall from my kiddo days. We were tag-team partners in the class section game until second grade. We were inseparable. There was even a time I cycled a whole kilometer to her place, not just for a play, mind you, but to do homework and sneak a peek at her class notes. I mean, who needs to carry all that classwork when you can copy it later, right😂?

After completing the homework, we started playing on her sister's 'choppu jaamaan' – that's a fancy term for a mini wooden kitchen for kiddos. I became the studious sidekick, and at school, we had a group of friends for epic play sessions and chit-chat galore.🙃

Now, let me spill the beans on the not-so-fab part🙂. Third grade hit us like a prank gone wrong. We got split into different sections, and our friend squad got scattered to the four winds. But we were determined to lunch together! One gloomy day, Niranjana caught a fever, and you could practically see the heat in her red eyes. We insisted she at least take a tablet, but lunch turned into a laugh riot when she accidentally redecorated Divya's dress with her lunch.😶

The chaos led to a teacher rescue mission, and we got an early exit ticket to chill at home. Sadly, Divya and I gave Niranjana the cold shoulder afterward. We even started an "Ignore Niranjana" club. Guess who was the only member? Yep, just me and Divya. Meanwhile, all the other girls rallied around Niranjana, forming a tight-knit crew that left me feeling like the last piece of pizza at a party.😐

But hey, every storm has a rainbow😊! Wait, there's a happy twist! Entered third grade and I made new friends . There's Prithivi Raj, the genius ranker🤓; Torfee Raj, the class comedian with a unique laughter sound😂, once saved me from a small white bitting dog in our school area 😀;Prithivi Raj, my partner in crime during exams, showed me the eraser trick – writing answers on it. When the teacher came around, he hilariously rubbed the eraser on his oily head to erase the evidence. Smooth moves, oily genius!🤣;Vishnupriya, our chocolate fairy, used to sneak yummy chocolates from her family's bakery for the whole gang everyday😅 !; and Sharmila, my absolute favourite who praises me  for my friendship as I give  half of my chocolate to her🤣.Lol.

Fast forward to the grand finale – the end of third grade and a jump to a new school in fourth grade. The moral of the story? Friendship is a rollercoaster of giggles, goofs, and great memories. Once it's over, it's over – but the laughs live on! The end! 😄

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