Part 1/1

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"Have you ever had a friendship bracelet?"

The ridiculousness of that question echoed across the rocky walls surrounding their path as it wound through a small craig. It wasn't the first absurd question that Amma had asked in their seemingly never-ending journey toward Faebarrow, but this one had to be one of the most egregious of them all.

Had Damien Maleficus Bloodthrone, Son of Zagadoth the Tempestuous, Ninth Lord of the Infernal Darkness and Abyssal Tyrant of the Sanguine Throne, ever had a friendship bracelet?

The better question would be if he'd had any friends at all, to which the answer would be a resounding no. He was evil, evil beings did not have such childish things as friends.

Damien didn't justify the question with an answer, instead, he let out an exasperated sigh and debated using the talisman's power to get her to stop talking - It seemed he was debating this almost every minute he let her have free reign of her own speech.

Kaz had scrambled off somewhere a half hour ago and had yet to come back, however Damien could sense his presence skulking behind them. He'd been keeping Amma busy chatting, though it had been more Amma chatting at him and Katz shooting back cruel names and annoyed looks. Even the imp couldn't withstand this torture forever and had fled in a burst of rage. This had left Amma with a new target who was less eager than Kaz to leave Amma behind just to avoid her inane questions - he couldn't leave the talisman unattended, could he? - hence his constant debate on ordering her to shut her mouth. He'd done worse to people for less heinous acts, surely this wasn't unreasonable.

"I know you heard me, Damien, don't pretend you're too dark and broody for a friendship bracelet" Damien could hear the eye roll in her voice and he stifled back an irritated growl. "You were a kid at some point, right? Kids give each other friendship bracelets, half-demon or not. I bet you were just like all the other kids, playing with your toys and frolicking in the streets or whatever it is kids do in creepy villages." Amma giggled, apparently, the image of a tiny Damien, pout on his face as he skipped around was too much for her to contain herself.

"I am evil, Amma. Evil people do not frolic , no matter their age." Damien shot her a withering look. But like a fool, he'd fallen for her bait, and he watched as a wide smirk pulled at her round cheeks. Not wanting to admit to having been beaten, he said " Sanguinisui , do not talk until we reach our camp tonight." Amma's mouth clicked shut as her teeth clacked together, she'd been about to gloat and Damien had managed to catch her before she could, thank the hells.

She narrowed her eyes at him, clearly irritated, making his smug grin grow wider. She gestured to the surrounding forest before putting her hands to her throat and making a strangled sound, her tongue sticking out the side of her mouth comically. He supposed he couldn't blame her after the last time they'd been attacked and she'd been unable to make a noise because of his orders. Somewhere behind them, Damien heard Kaz make a wretching sound.

Damien rolled his eyes before adding, "Sanguinisui , you may only ignore that last order if you are in danger."

Satisfied that she wasn't at imminent risk, Damien turned away from her, clicking his heels against his 'horse' to spurn it on faster. The last thing he needed was to look back at where she sat dejected and fuming, he didn't want to feel any sort of pity for her, like how he'd feel pity for a weak little kitten caught out in the rain. He had other more important things on his mind, like getting his father out of the crystal, his main objective. He didn't have the time to spare her any pity.

The peace and quiet that had accompanied his order had been truly blissful for about thirty seconds before Kaz took it upon himself to sit behind Damien - now that Amma couldn't speak to him - and glare at her, making rude gestures along with some snide remarks. Amma had then taken it upon herself to pull stones out of the bottom of her boots and chuck them as hard as she could at Kaz's impudent face. Unfortunately for Damien, said face was right behind his back, and Amma's aim was by no means her best ability, and she ended up mostly pelting Damien with the pebbles. When one had the audacity to bounce off his head, the scathing glare he shot her way had been enough to make her rethink her actions. Perhaps throwing stones at the man who was in charge of all your actions and would soon be killing you, wasn't the wisest course of action, unless you were trying to speed up that death.

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