Evajacks ~Pretty when you cry~

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A/N: I'm FINALLY writing again (please be proud of me it took me so long my anxiety is killing me hahahhahahah).... :/. Ifykyk. On the plus side I got a boyfriendddd (he doesn't need to know either).

Scars. Both Evengeline and Jacks both have many, for numerous different reasons. Evangeline has scars from basic things like being nibbled by tiny dragons... mind you, Jacks' idea of 'basic injuries' is being stabbed with a butter knife. The point is, scars weren't uncommon on either of the pair. So, when one found the other with a scar more than usual, they'd either brush it off... or in this case, go feral.


"Hm, Little Fox?" He asks, sounding oblivious. He's trying to get his hair back to normal in the mirror after a night with his fox, failing miserably... although the way he still looks gorgeous is surprisingly not what Evangeline is thinking about right now.

"When did that happen?" She asks, walking over to him and reaching out to trace a thick white scar going across the spot just bellow his elbow. "I didn't see that last night."

"I've had it for years, it's nothing." His voice is cold and unnervingly emotionless, like whatever happened is in the past and he's planning to keep it there.

"How did it happen?" Evangeline asks, sitting on the bathroom sink beside him.

"I told you. It's nothing." He scowls at her and her heart aches. They're close but it hurts her how fast he can shut her out, becoming the cruel Prince of Hearts she first met in that fateful temple months ago.

"Jacks please-" He cuts her off before she can continue.

"It's none of your damn business." Jacks snaps, looking her dead in the eye.

"Jacks please-" She starts again, trying not to show the panic in her voice.

"Fine. If you really must know," Jacks sighs, his face stern but his eyes almost watery, almost sad. "I did it."

"As in-?" Evangeline doesn't want to say it. She hates to even think it. So she asks another question. "When?"

"After I lost everyone I loved, after I'd become a fate." Jacks leans his head back against a wall, closing his eyes for a second. "I knew I couldn't die. I knew I'd just heal and move on. But I couldn't stop. I just. Kept. Cutting." 

"Oh, Jacks." She's pretty sure she's crying. He looks close to it himself. 

A/N: I'm sorry this is short and I'm sorry this has taken me so long but I swear I'm trying to write more. I had my English Mock exams and I got all Grade 9s so that's good (A+ if your American). Also I've had some minor issues (let's say this chapter is to do with it :P). Love you all sooooooooo much and i promise I'll try to write more <3

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