Chapter 1

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I went into the youth center after I have just found out that my mum has left me. Brody is in bits but i don't know what to say to him. He is currently asleep at home so I decided to go out and get my head clear. I walked into the youth center and saw my friends and boyfriend.

"Rocky!" Tanya said and I walked over to them.
"Hey guys." I said and sat down next to Adam and we kissed.
"You okay?" Adam asked.
"Yeah fine." I said.
"So where is Brody i thought you were bringing him." Katherine said.
"Oh I was but he is ill and i didn't want to bring him out. Mum is looking after him." I lied. The real reason Brody wasn't here was because he cried himself to sleep.
"Hey so are won for this weekend?" Adam asked.
"Yes it's going to be great!" Kat said.
"What?" I asked.
"The weekend trip to my uncles cabin." Adam said.
"Did you forget?" Tanya asked.
"No not forget just slipped my mind." I said and they nodded.
"So you coming?" Tommy asked.
"I can't." I said.
"What do you mean you can't?" Adam asked.
"Mums booked us to go for a meal with family." I said.
"I thought you asked her and she said it was okay?" Adam said.
"I did but then she forgot." I said and they nodded.
"Well that sucks." Tanya said.
"I better get going." I said.
"What? You just got here!" Tommy said.
"I know but I need to make sure that mum and Brody are okay." I said and they nodded and I hugged Adam before leaving.

At home:
I walked in and the house was silent. I went to Brody's room and he was awake.
"Hey." I said and sat on the bed.
"Hi." he said.
"You okay?" I asked.
"No." he said.
"I'm sorry Brods." I said.
"I want her back why did she leave?" Brody said.
"I don't know buddy." I said.
"I want her here." he said.
"You have me." I said.
"What about school? And parents evening?" he asked.
"I'll make an excuse." I said.
"I can't go to school." he said.
"Brody you have to buddy, there is no choice, look I know you are scared and hurt but i am going to take care of you, if we say anything we will be separated do you understand that?" I said.
"Yeah." he said.
"Right should we start getting ready for school and then have a early night?" I asked and he nodded.

2 hours later:
We had finally finished getting ready for school and had dinner so we were now on the sofa watching a movie. I could see Brody's eyes starting to droop so I decided that it was best to start getting him ready for bed.
"Brods let's get you into bed." I said and he nodded.

Half an hour later:
Brody was in bed and he was sound asleep. I then locked up downstairs and went to bed myself. I then saw that I had a message from Adam.

Adam: Hey babe I just wanted to message you goodnight and that I love you.
Me: hey babe I love you too!
Adam: How is Brody feeling? xxxx
Me: Better Mum says he is okay for school tomorrow xxxx
Adam: Aw that's good well I'll see you at school tomorrow sweet dreams xxxx
Me: Thank you and you too. Love you xxxxx
Adam: Love you too xxxxx
Me: Love you more xxxxx
Adam: Night xxxx
Me: Night xxxxx

The next morning:
I was in the kitchen getting breakfast ready when Brody came down dressed.
"Hey morning." I said.
"Morning." He mumbled.
"Here you go." I said placing the pancakes in front of him.
"I'm not hungry." he said.
"You need to eat Brods." I said.
"I can't." he said.
"Look I know this is hard okay? I understand that but you need to eat something." I said and he sighed and ate one pancake.
"I can't eat anymore." he said and I nodded and we cleared everything up and then headed for school. When i got there my friends were stood outside.
"Hey you can't let my friends know about mum leaving us." I said.
"Why?" he asked.
"Because I haven't told them, you need to go and find Calvin and Preston." I said.
"But I don't want to leave you." he said.
"Hey if you need anything Calvin and Preston can come and find me don't worry." I said and I hugged him before he went off. I then made my way over to my friends.
"Hey guys!" I said.
"Hey was Brody okay?" Adam asked as we kissed.
"Yeah fine he is still feeling a little sensitive from being sick." I lied.
"Oh right." Tommy said.
"Well we should probably get going." I said as we walked inside.

I was sitting in the dinner hall with the others when Calvin and Preston came up to me."
"Rocky we need you." Preston said.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"He's hysterical we can't calm him down." Calvin said.
"Okay guys I'll be right back." I said as I followed Calvin and Preston into the toliets where Brody was on the floor sobbing and hyperventialting.
"How long has he been like this for?" I asked.
"About 5 minutes he was fine one minute and the next he is sobbing and like that." Calvin said and I nodded I then kneeled down in front of brody.
"Brody can you look at me bro?" I asked and he looked up and his eyes all teary.
"It hurts" he cried and I sighed and pulled him into a hug as he sobbed. I looked and Calvin and Preston silently telling them to leave. Brody soon fell asleep on me and I then look up to adam walking in.
"Hey." He said.
"Hey." I said.
"He okay?" He asked.
"No." I said.
"Rocky what is going on?" Adam asked and I sighed.
"You have got to promise not to tell anyone" I said.
"What is it?" He asked.
"My mum left she's gone and she's left me and brody to fend for ourselves we can't let anyone know because we will be separated and brody is struggling with the fact that he has been abandoned and i don't what to do Ad how do I make it better?" I asked as I started crying and Adam pulled me into a hug.
"It's alright I'm here." Adam said as I continued crying.
"Boys? What's going on here?" Mr Malik asked and I pulled away from Adam wiping my eyes.
"Nothing sir." Adam said.
"Is he okay?" He asked.
"Yeah he's fine." I said.
"Alright we'll I'll leave you to it." He said and walked out.

After I walked out of the toliets I could hear Rocky starting to wake brody up. Something is going on I need to find out what. At the end of the day I packed up my stuff and headed home. When I got home it was the same chaotic house with my husband Liam and my son Niall.
"Hey guys." I said.
"Hey love." Liam said and kissed me.
"Papa!" Niall said and hugged me.
"Hey little man" I said as I hugged the 9 year old.
"Daddy said we can have cottage pie for dinner!" He said and I smiled.
"Well that's good have you done your homework?" I asked.
"Nearly." He said.
"Why don't you go and finish it while I speak to daddy?" I said and he nodded before running up the stairs.
"What's up?" Liam asked and I sighed.
"There are these 2 boys I teach Rocky and Brody DeSantos and today I caught them in the bathroom with Adam Park and Rocky was crying harshly and brody was asleep with a tear stained face I think something is going on." I said.
"Don't meddle just keep an eye on them." Liam said.
"Somethings wrong Brody hasn't been himself for weeks." I said.
"Maybe try talking to him? You might get something out of him." Liam suggested.
"I don't know he was a pretty closed off kid to begin with and now he won't even speak to me." I said.
"Give it time maybe he's just got something on his mind that he doesn't want to share right now." Liam said and I sighed but nodded.
"You're right." I said as I walked away upstairs.

When we got home brody ran straight upstairs and I sighed. Adam then followed me into the kitchen and I dumped my bag on the floor.
"You okay?" Adam asked.
"I dunno." I sighed.
"What are you doing?" Adam asked.
"Making dinner someone has to do it." I said.
"Why are you putting so much pressure on yourself? Why don't you just tell someone like Mr Malik he will be able to help you are only 14 Rocky and brody he's only 11." Adam said.
"If we tell someone we will get separated I know we will." I said.
"But you can't keep doing all of this." Adam said.
"Drop it Adam! I'm not saying a word okay! You can't either I am begging you right now." I said.
"You can't keep this up." Adam said.
"But I can try" I said.
"Rocky..." Adam said.
"Ad if you love me you won't say anything please." I begged.
"Fine but I'm helping you with you and your emotions." Adam said and I smiled and hugged him.

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