Chapter 2

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The next morning when I woke up I realised that I was late. It was 8:45. I had to get brody up. I went into his room and woke him up. I then got dressed and headed downstairs and made our lunches. I then gave brody a banana to eat before running to school. I have brody a note to say why he was late and headed to Mr Maliks class. I went in and everyone looked at me.
"Sorry I'm late." I said.
"It's alright Rocky why are you late?" He asked.
"Slept in and mum had already gone to work." I said half lying half telling the truth. He nodded and I sat down next to Adam.
"You okay?" He asked.
"Yeah slept through my alarm then rushed around trying to get brody ready." I said and he nodded.
English went really fast and before I knew it I was packing up.
"Rocky would you mind staying back?" Mr Malik asked. I nodded and once everyone had left I stood with Mr Malik.
"What's up?" I asked.
"I just wanted to ask if everything was okay at home? Brody has been off for the past couple of weeks. " he said and I gulped.
"Yeah everything is fine, brody is just upset at the minute because our dog died." I lied.
"Oh it seems to be a little bit more than that i tried speaking to him about it but he didn't say a word I can't lie I am worried about him." He said.
"Honestly he's an over emotional person and when things like pets and people dying he gets like this honestly it's nothing to worry about." I said.
"Well I'll bring it up with your mum at parents evening." He said.
"Oh mum asked me to tell you that she can't make the parents evening because she is working." I said.
"We can arrange a telephone call?" He said.
"Sorry she gets so busy that she doesn't get a break." I lied again.
"Rocky is something going on?" He asked.
"What? No!" I said.
"Well your mother has booked parents evening and now she can't come it seems a little suspicious to me." He said.
"She really can't come because she is working and she really does apologise but she just can't come in." I said.
"Rocky you know you can talk to me I won't judge you or anything." He said.
"I know but there is nothing to say mum just can't make it because she is working." I said.
"Okay then I'll see you tomorrow then." He said and I nodded before leaving feeling relief. I then walked to find Adam and the others.
"Hey guys!" I said.
"Hey we are going to miss you this weekend." Kat said.
"I'm sorry guys." I said.
" it's not your fault." Tommy said.
"Do you think we should just reschedule because I'm not feeling too great." Adam said.
"You okay?" I asked.
"Yeah I'm feeling kind of rough and I am having a feeling it's going to get worse." He said.
"Okay well we will reschedule." Tanya said and Adam smiled. I then looked to see brody and he was motioning me to come to him. I got up and went to him.
"Hey you okay?" I asked.
"I can't do this." He said.
"Hey." I said.
"I can't do it anymore Rocky please I want to tell someone please." He pleaded.
"Brods you realise if we tell then we will be separated." I said.
"I know but I'm hurt in the inside Rocky, mum left with a man that abused you and me he molested you we have to tell someone please." Brody cried and he hugged me and I sighed and rubbed his back.
"Okay okay okay calm for me yeah?" I said.
"Please Rocky." He choked out.
"Okay I'll text Adam and then I'll tell Mr Malik yeah?" I asked and he nodded before I texted Adam and soon he arrived and stayed with brody while I made my way to Mr Maliks classroom. When I peered into his classroom no one was was in there so I knocked on the door. He said come in and I walked In.
"Rocky what are you doing here? It's lunch." He said.
"I need to talk to you." I said my heart pounding.
"What's up?" He asked.
"You know how earlier I told you that mum couldn't make parents evening because she's working? I lied because she's left me brody we are living on our own." I said.
"What do you mean buddy?" He asked.
"Mums boyfriend he was abusing us and my mum didn't know, we then could take anymore so we told her but she didn't believe us so she." I said but my breath caught in my throat as I started crying.
"Hey buddy hey." He said and he did something that surprised me he hugged me and I just clutched onto him.
"It hurts too much Mr Malik I can't do it anymore I try to look after brody but I can't take it anymore it's been 3 months and I don't want to do it anymore brody is always sad because he misses mum and I do too but I can't show it because I have to be strong but it hurts I can't do it anymore please help." I sobbed and he just rubbed my back.
"Alright buddy can you calm down for me yeah? It's all okay." He said and I began to calm down.
Half an hour later:
I had calm down and I was sitting at a desk with Mr Malik opposite me.
"Buddy you know what I need to do." He said.
"No please you can't we will get separated." I said.
"I have an idea but I need to get social services involved to make sure that it can happen." He said.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"You come and stay with me and my husband and my son." He said.
"Both of us?" I asked.
"Yeah it's nearly hometime now anyway." He said. There was a knock at his door and brody came in and he hugged me.
"You are coming home with me boys." Mr Malik said and I nodded.
20 minutes later we were at his house.
"Is this it Mr Malik?" I asked.
"While we are here you can call me Zayn love" he said and I nodded. We got out of the car and went inside brody gripped my hand and I squeezed his hand back. We followed Zayn through to the kitchen.
"Hey love." I heard someone say and his eyes then averted to us.
"Hey." Zayn said.
"Didn't realise we had company." He said.
"This is brody and Rocky, brody Rocky this is my husband Liam." Zayn said.
"Papa!" A boy younger then us came running down and zayn caught him.
"Hey buddy." He said.
"Who are they?" He asked.
"This is brody and Rocky they are going to be staying with us." I said.
"Really?" He asked.
"Yeah guys this is Niall my son." Zayn said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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