The Master-Tapes (PT.1)

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So uh, F4KQCID3 and I got bored as shite one night. Little known fact, but I have been in the FNF Community once, y'know, before it overcame Undertale (trust me, we'll get to that in due-time) in having a Fandom that's more toxic than Peak Chernobyl.

So, the result of 2 years of being more bitter than a bipolar lemon? This.

The first redesign of 6 to come, y'know, before we got sidetracked by Helluva Boss stuff

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The first redesign of 6 to come, y'know, before we got sidetracked by Helluva Boss stuff. Enter: Adrian. Younger Brother of Kaguya Miku (Story for another time) and boyfriend of Cheryl Dearest (Again, story for another time).
Figured he should look a lil edgier, he's a faux-tough guy young adult who hasn't truly aged since 15.
Oh and uh, yeah, made him a slight bit taller too, y'know, because of course. He's 19 for fucks sake, he deserves to atleast be a manlet, not a borderline pre-teen.

Also also, bonus:

Funny bunny man! Trust me, you'll be seeing alot more of him

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Funny bunny man! Trust me, you'll be seeing alot more of him. Lyric was practically made for a rhythm game environment. Dunno if I like how the boots are proportioned, his boots really aren't that big in his normal design... Oh well.

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