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*Trigger Warning: Explicit Language used*


"Ugh, I need more coffee!" Kessa screams in the kitchen.

We were all gathered, including Flora and Sky. Flora was packing up ready to leave us. The faraway glance across Sky's face mimicked everyone's mood. Even when Kessa was still half asleep, nobody wanted the Futuna Rider to leave.

"Here." Nikos slides a mug over to her, smirking soundly to himself as he finishes cleaning the dishes. We could have headed to the cafeteria for food, but Nikos wanted to prepare Flora a leaving breakfast. The food was outstanding too, I cannot remember the last time I had tasted pancakes with strawberries and chocolate. My sweet tooth was showing, and Nikos knew to tease me for it. Thankfully, Flora and Kessa knew to save my honour. I was scared to admit that I got on well with them.

Flora is the first to stand, stretching in her Riders suit. She yawns loudly before glancing at everyone, "I best be going."

"No!" Kessa pouts.

Flora rolls her eyes before patting her shoulder lightly. "I'll see you soon, the tournament is in a few months' time, you can watch me kick ass." She winks. Sky's lips twitching at the movement.

"What tournament?" I ask Nikos when everyone has left the kitchen to help Flora with her bags.

"We call it the tournament of War. It happens once every year, and all species can participate. First years are prohibited but in the second year you can join. The tournament sets up a series of challenges that you must pass. For Riders, it's always team challenges, it's a lot of fun. The second years will be returning to the Academy the day of the tournament, so it's kind of a welcome back for them." Nikos explains to me. I acknowledge his words as we follow the others out the front of the house where Zola already waited.

"Can you join?"

"Yes. I've already participated twice in the tournament. It really is a great time, you'll enjoy it." He looks to me with a smile before we turn and approach Flora who was saying her goodbyes.

"Keep them rounded up, yeah?" Flora laughs as she hugs Nikos goodbye.

"You know me, I'll try my best."

She snorts as she pulls away, shaking her head at him. "You underestimate yourself."

He shrugs in response. "Tell them I miss them."

Her purple eyes soften as she nods. "He misses you more."

This time Nikos rolls his eyes at her comment, she pulls away snickering before turning to me. "It was lovely to meet you Sith, I wish you the best of luck." She takes my hand in hers and squeezes. I stiffen at the contact but thank her kindly. Flora was lovely. People were so easily drawn to her, the aura she held. She gave Kessa one last hug and shook Maddox's hair as a playful taunt. When it came to Sky, they lingered on one another, their contact hesitant before Flora decided to hug him. They melted within one another; the intensity was hard to look away from. I memorised their bodies. They were mended together, like a flower to it's stem. The sketch would be wonderful.

"Why can't someone hold me like that?" Kessa whispers beside me, Maddox shoving her with a graceful stretch. Nikos made no comment, just watches his brother carefully until the couple pull away, and Flora approaches her flame.

"Bye!" Kessa calls before Zola takes flight, the higher she goes, the harder it is to see until they're gone within the clouds.

Everyone seems to sigh with their absence. Nikos claps his hands loudly, looking to all of us. "Let's get going!" He exclaims, making his way towards the academy. We all seem to linger for a little while longer before following, Kessa's trudges dragging as she walks beside me.

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