The FoxHunter

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The FoxHunter

        Ollie rode through the town of Port Victory

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        Ollie rode through the town of Port Victory. Her horse was a dark brown, with a coat as soft as snow and bandy legs. His name was Crookshanks, the last name of the person who had sold her the sick horse in exchange for her medical herbs. It took two months to nurse him back to health, but it was worth it. The horse was large yet fast, perfect for when she went out into the woods (that and he was some much-appreciated company).

        Today was when the port would be filled with convicts arriving from London. Captain Gaines, a small and insufferable excuse for a man, always had a problem killing anyone with minor infractions. Olympia has always come into town to oversee the processing of prisoners; though it was quite a dull affair, it was the only way to keep Gaines in check. But, Olympia had always had the smallest of hopes that she would see Mr. Jack amongst the convicts, inspecting and eyeing any semi-blond prisoner that came through.

        But prisoners had always been quite scared of her, with no one able to see her face under her black plague doctor mask and her dark night gloves that stretched up her arms. A prisoner lacking in both food and water started to yell about the Grim Reaper coming to the end of his life. Gaines' men had to hold him down till he calmed down.

        Though just the prisoners did not share this sentiment, the people of Port Victory were quite scared of her, too. She was nicknamed the FoxHunter, though only for her cunning and dark aura, and her last name was Fox. No one outside of the family had seen Olympia's true face. But, she was the governor's daughter, so what could be done (though her mother greatly disapproved of her reputation.)

        A loud shout echoed through the square as Ollie was jolted from her thoughts. Crookshanks, having already galloped toward the noise before Ollie even comprehended its direction. The people moved out of the way as she rode forward.

        Ollie could see the black of the redcoat's hats as she saw people gathered in a ring beside the commotion. She could hear the soldiers yell. She even saw the spittle and leftover remains from lunch lurch from their mouths when they screamed.

        On top of her horse, Ollie could see two convicts nestled on the floor. The man covered a small being behind him. Hands outstretched and mouth in a feral snarl. His hands were uncuffed, but anyone could see the blemishes on his wrists, angry and red. His hair was long and wavy, messy atop his head as it scrunched to his shoulder blades. His eyes held a fire that Ollie had long forgotten, protective and fierce. She knew that he would kill anyone who got close despite his skinny physique.

        "Fire on my order!" Gaines yelled as the soldiers raised their bayonets, the crowd cheering as though this was some damn theater. The man curled his body around the small girl on the ground, hoping to protect her from any incoming bullets.

        Olympia grew angry to shoot what looked to be a man, and his daughter made her blood boil. Gaines and his men had no respect for anyone other than the noble.

        "Enough!" Olympia yelled as she jumped off her horse and landed with a thud on the ground, dust, and muck pillowing up as she landed. The crowd parted as she made her way towards the two convicts.

        Gaines stepped forward. "Ms. Fox, these two must be soundly punished they are a rot to the tow-"

        "Quiet, Gaines." Ollie stopped in front of the detective, leaned towards his ear, and whispered. "Are you calling me rot? I'm not native aristocrat, you know."

        Gaines' face flushed red. "No-no"

        "I should hope not, I know my mother and father would be very disappointed in you. Even after they have told you continuously to uphold the rules of the town in moderation."

        "Your paren-"

        Olympia stepped away from the man and held her hand in silence, "For the governor to know that you have disrespected one of his daughters is a grave offense. He might even hang you! I do love a good justified hanging! Don't we Gaines?"

        Gaines, red in the face, waved his hands for the soldiers to step back from the two people on the ground. "Of course, My lady." He turned to a soldier near the front of the pack. "Bramwell, see to it that we have enough prisoners for the chain gang; leave those prisoners alone; Ms. Fox will handle them."

        Olympia smiled, "Excellent!"

        She turned away from the terrible man as she heard him mutter something incoherent under his breath, an insult most likely, and stepped towards the prisoners as the guards ushered the crowd away. Olympia could see the man relax, happy that he would only have to fight one petite, frail lady in his escape.

        Olympia could finally see the person behind the man. The girl looked about her age, if not a few years younger. She wore a tattered rag of a dress. Her hair was frizzled and frantic, covering one side of her face, giving Ollie a view of one of the girl's swirling brown eyes. The girl's skin was covered in patches of mud and dirt, staining her once pale skin, a patchy brown.

        Olympia asked the man protecting the small girl, "What are your names?"

        The man stayed silent.

        "You would do well to answer me." Olympia pulled off her gloves, revealing her scared hands and wrists, mirroring those on the man's arms.

        The man tenses, "Ashley." His clipped, rough reply came.

        Olympia peaked behind him and made eye contact with the girl, "And you?" 

        "Erin- Erin." She stuttered, her voice husky yet light, lacking sufficient water.

        Olympia smiled, "Your crime?" 

        "We attacked a man named Milord Sneed."

        Olympia rolled her eyes behind her mask, "Your reason?"

        "He was going to take my sister, he's an insufferable-" 

        "Prat. Yes, I know. Unfortunately, he's been like that since the devil cursed his family,y and his mother gave birth to the brute. He has a son that's just as insufferable." Ashley stood silent, not knowing how to respond to the enigma that was Olympia Fox.

        Olympia turned back towards the road to the government house, Crookshanks galloping to her side as she grabbed a piece of bread from her pack and tossed it towards Ashley and Erin.

        "Come along! We must get back before my sister finds out I have visited town without her."

        Ashley was confused, his brows furrowed, and his eyes scrunched, "To where, Milady?"

        Olympia turned towards the man, her hands open in greeting, "Why home of course!" 

Authors note: hello everyone! So sorry this took me so long, I have had a lot of projects due. I hope you liked this chapter! (One or two more chapters till we get to the main part of the story!)

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