It's ok

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'Hey it's ok, I'm sure he was ok and you two will figure it out' I type, willing those words into existence.
'No, but we won't.'
'Dont say that'
'He's seeing another guy.' Those 4 words hit me like a truck, like something bigger than a truck, if I had control over my limbs I would look up things that were bigger than trucks because I was too lost to think. Does that mean Ireland is gay? Does that also mean Ireland is a dude? Does that mean I'm not the mystery boy they kissed half an hour ago? I don't think I'm seeing another guy at least, I don't think I kissed a guy. My chest tightens and jolts in all directions, I think I might be sick. Not because I'm homophobic, just because I really believed for a second that some dream of mine was coming true.
I quickly realise that I'm still staring at my screen, rotting like roadkill from that very big truck. My thumbs put together their dwindling supply of brain cells and skim over the keyboard.
'I see.' Correct grammar, partly because I'm taking after Ireland and partly because all of my thoughts seem to have full stops after them right now.
The stamp under my message shows me that they've seen it, but no new messages appear. Silence. I know I have to say something. 'So does that mean you're...'
'abbreviations? this is bad' Ellipsis flood the bottom of my screen and then disappear like the wind. 'Its ok if you are just so you know'
'Thanks Finn.' We both sit in the chat, I stare at my screen willing them to type something, to say something more. But nothing happens.
'So is he actually named after a fruit or what?'
'No haha'
'Or a tree?'
'His name is Pat.'
'Oh I see he's named after a postman'
'Would you shut up?'
'Never :)'
'Oh good.' They type, and then 'I'm glad :)'
I ignore the knot slowly pulling in all directions through my ribs and let myself smile for a second.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11 ⏰

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