the voices

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                 Lucy woke up from a dream where Aslan was calling her name "lucyyy" it cried "we need you please" lucy woke up screaming susain ran to see what was wrong she shacked her roughly "lucy you alright" lucy said being still frightened by the dream said "y-y-yeah, im fine" susain concerned for her said "wanna talk about it" lucy turned to face susain and said "it was aslan calling my name" 

 "what did he say"  

"he said he needed my help"

"but he knows we cant go back to Narnia" 

"there has to be another way we can get back"

"you know it doesnt work like that"

"but-" susain cut her off "they would have to call us you know that" susain looked at lucy disappointed the jumped "what is it" susain looked at her with existment and said "i have an idea but its not going to be easy" the next moring lucy and susain told the boys everything petter said "and your sure this is gonna work" susain answered "it has to otherwise our kingdom is in grave danger" petter "alright tonight were going to do this but were going to need some help first" "hes right if we want to make sure this works were going to need his help" edmand answered. later in the day they went to England to find the professor they went to his house and got some grave news. they knocked on the door and this really pretty girl opened the door "yes how may i help you" she answered. "hi um yes is the professor home" petter asked the young brunette answered "OH you mean my papa, yeah im so sorry for what im about to say" lucy jumped up "what is it" the young brunette answered "he pasted in a terrible accident he kept going own about these four childre-" the young brunette looked up and said "OMG YOUR THE FOUR CHILDREAN" edmand answered sarcastly "yep hello" the young brunette said "please do come in"

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