the big secret

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                          the four kids walk in the house while the pretty brunette makes tea. "may i ask your guys names" she says as she puts the tea down in front of them. "im Petter and this is Lucy, Edmond and Susain" petter says as he thinks to himself i hope we can get some answers. he looks at the young brunette as she introduces her self "ok nice to meet you im Genevieve the professors granddaughter" susain starts getting impatient "im sorry but what was it he was wanting to tell us" she says.  Genevieve looks at her and says 

Genevieve: "Narnia is in great danger, Aslan needs you guys to come back" 

susain: "im sorry but we cant go back Aslan said so"

lucy: "how can we get back"

 Genevieve: "the wardrobe you have to go though it" 

edmened "ok but how do we know this is going to work"

 Genevieve: "because it worked for me"

               the four kids plus  Genevieve all ran to the wardrobe and whent though to marina and they see nothing but a huge snow storm "uh oh" lucy says shockingly petter "this means-" endmend looks at them confused "what does this mean exactly" 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15 ⏰

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