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~ Biana ~

"Now I'm in exile, seein' you out
I think I've seen this film before
So I'm leavin' out the side door
So step right out, there is no amount
Of crying I can do for you
All this time
We always walked a very thin line
You didn't even hear me out (didn't even hear me out)
You never gave a warning sign (I gave so many signs)"

Skating has been my passion since a very early age. I find it an escape from reality. The cool breeze surrounding the rink. The way ice skates allow you to move with enthusiasm however you desire. It frees the anger held within, evaporating it into the cold air. Ice skating clears my mind in ways nothing else can.

I glide on the ice, moving with grace. Circling laps around the frozen floor. There is nothing I enjoy more than being here early in the morning. The rink is merely empty if you arrive at dawn. Other than there being some figure skaters with similar dedication to the sport.

I find a sort of thrill in figure skating. To me, I view it as more than a hobby. I am my happiest when on this very ice. Everything about it is perfect. There is something so therapeutic about the elegance that is displayed.

With my headphones on I play "Exile" by Taylor Swift. The superior combination of music and ice skating. There is nothing better on this Earth compared to that. 

I skate around for a little while longer. Once I check my watch it is 8:49. I sort of lost track of time. I have plans at 9:15, so it's best if I start heading out. I get off the ice and walk towards my bag.

Usually I try to already have left before nine. On the weekends that's the time when the hockey team practices. I do not need to be running into them.

I mean I see most of them as it is. My older brother, Theo, is on the team. And he is friends with basically everyone else on the hockey team. Lucky me, I gets to see those immature teenage boys all the time. 

You must be lying if you swoon over them because it is practically impossible. I mean what is so attractive about sweaty, intolerable, hormonal, boys. They act like little children. I dread the days when Theo hosts the "team meetings" at our house. Spoiler alert: it's quite literally 20 little boys screaming over video games and eating everything in the house.

I take off my skates and put them in my bag. I throw on my maroon sweatshirt and keep my leggings on. While lacing up my red converse I get a text. It's my friend, Margot. 


hey biana i'm so sorry I have to cancel today

oh no worries!

we can totally do next week

I completely forgot about having plans with my mom

haha it's alright don't worry about it

I love youuuuuuuu

talk to you later xx



I guess I'm in no rush to go anywhere. I mean this works great for me because I can spend my day just walking around the city. I would never pass an opportunity to go book shopping and look through records. 

By the time I'm ready to leave it's 9:02. Just as I'm getting up, they walk in. The New York Stars. Corny name. I know. I groan under my breathe. They're walking in all talking. I try to just grab my stuff and make a quick run for it. With my bag under my shoulder and head down, I attempt to move around them without bringing attention to myself. 

Just as I think I nailed it I hear a voice behind me. "Hey, red sweatshirt," one of the team members shout, "Be a good girl and give me your number, eh?" 

I turn around and flip him off. It's Jax. He's pretty tall. Black hair and cool, blue eyes. They almost seem gray in some lighting. Although he is quite attractive, and very popular with girls, he's a major dick. Perhaps the cockiest of them all. His kiss count is probably double the money I have in my bank account. When Jax realizes it's me his face drops. "Shit," I hear him say. 

Another player, Henry, gives him a playful shove. "Dude you're screwed," Henry says to Jax. That gets the attention of the other players. And my brother. I see Theo glare at Jax.

"Did you just catcall my sister?" my brother looks down at him with slight anger. 

Jax moves his tongue under his lip for a moment, "In my defense I didn't realize it was her. Look, I'd never have said that if I knew."

"You better not," Theo replies back and looks at the other team members, "And that goes for all of you. No hooking up with B."

I groan and walk towards him, "No need to act all protective. I don't need your clarification. Besides, why would I ever want any of them anyway."

"Ouch," mumbles Henry. Theo glares at him, "I'm joking, chill," Henry says rolling his eyes and chuckles. 

"Okay if you boys leave me alone I'll be headed out now," I state while tugging on my ponytail to tighten it. 

Another hockey player, Sean, exclaims, "Why don't you ever join us for hockey. Come on we're not that insufferable." The other guys agree with him. Sean is cute, I won't lie. And he's smart. His dark brown curls and green eyes are honestly gorgeous, but he has such a baby face. I mean he's not as cocky as the others I'll give him that. 

I sigh, "You know, why not." I go back onto the bench, "But, I don't want to hear complaints when a woman beats you." I start to put on extra gear some of the boys lended me. 

They all snicker at a that. "As if you'll ever be able to," one of the shouts. 

We'll see about that.



hi! I hope you guys enjoy this story. It's my first one ever. It's so much fun to write and I can't wait to see what you guys will think of it. Be nice please English isn't my first language haha 

p.s (don't mention me misspelling damn and writing dam. I'm a pjo geek)

infatuated on ice ~ walker scobellWhere stories live. Discover now