"The mission"

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Adoras/No ones P.O.V

Adora woke up in the underworld to lots of screaming which she finds amusing as she smiles snuggly and she puts on a black shirt with a diamond b00b window,black pants,and black shoes with a chain across her waist and walks over to see a pink and purple-hair short girl standing there at the door

Adora woke up in the underworld to lots of screaming which she finds amusing as she smiles snuggly and she puts on a black shirt with a diamond b00b window,black pants,and black shoes with a chain across her waist and walks over to see a pink and ...

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"Hey Glim" Adora says
"Hey Adora!" Glimmer responds
"Has anything new been happening?"
"Uh no but lord Hordak did say he wants to speak with you."

Lord Hordak in this AU at least was the ruler of the underworld and the most powerful ruler in centuries
"Huh,wonder what for but I'll talk to him."
"Alright, bye Adora!"
"By Glim!"

Adora walks away from Glimmer and towards an office that has chains and says "DO NOT COME IN HERE!!!" And Adora just rolls her eyes and walks in to see Hordak in his office chair with his legs on the desk

"You wanted to see me?" Adora says
"Yes,I need you to kill someone for me" Hordak responds
"Wow that's something new for me." Adora says sarcastically and then rolls her eyes
"Don't play." Hordak responds
"Fine,Who is it this time?"

Hordak presses his black and red watch and an hologram comes out of it,It shows a girl in about her 20s,she look like she's the same age as Adora almost,she has cat-like features,small freckles,white and gold wings,a blue eye,a yellow eye and a white and gold suit

"Hm she looks easy to kill." Adora says
"Yea but she's one of them most powerful angels in Heaven so this will be a challenge."
"Yea Yea whatever I'll be back in like 30 minutes"

Adora walks out before Hordak could say anything else and goes to her room to get ready for her secret mission

(Sorry that it is short it's my first time😅)

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