The Rise of Love VII

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"Is it okay for me to drink tea?"

"Okay." Han Yu shrugged his shoulders, "If you don't want to drink, forget it, I won't embarrass you, but Xu Yafei's matter..."

He Ran stopped him, reached out and took the cup, "I'll drink."

Han Yu hooked the corners of his mouth and looked at her waiting.

He Ran pinched her nose and opened her mouth, pouring the liquid in the cup into her mouth. Seriously, that weird smell wasn't much better than a stinky gutter, and she almost threw it up several times.

God, what was she drinking, and a fish bone got stuck in her throat.

He Ran endured the discomfort, swallowed hard, closed her eyes and continued to pour into her mouth.

Sitting in the private room are a few other people that are all members of the band, and they also know a little about the relationship between Han Yu and He Ran, and they have long been accustomed to Han Yu's malicious behavior.

The cup was clearly filled with leftover soup that they had just eaten, which was more or less a bucket of water, and he actually served it directly to He Ran to drink, how much hatred did he have with her?

The oldest drummer in the band couldn't stand it anymore, hit Han Yu with his arm, and whispered, "Aren't people very well-behaved, and they didn't mess with you, why are you so embarrassed."

Han Yu snorted coldly and ignored it.

Is she good? She's just not obviously bad.

He Ran put the empty cup on the table and calmly wiped the corners of her mouth with paper, "Is this okay?"

Han Yu's revenge was finally satisfied, a smile appeared on his face, and he raised his chin to indicate that it was okay.

He Ran stood up and walked into the bathroom quickly to rinse her mouth. In the sound of the water washing, her bursts of vomiting became less noticeable.

The young man was full of energy and made a fuss until ten o'clock in the evening. During this period, He Ran just sat silently and watched them make trouble, trying to reduce his sense of existence, but Han Yu didn't look for her anymore after that.

When paying the bill, Han Yu proudly threw five red bills. The waiter said inexplicably, "Sir, you only spent three hundred yuan in total."

Han Yu explained, "It's fine. He deliberately looked at He Ran as he spoke, "Aren't you forbidden to bring dogs in here, I violated the rules, the fine is deserved, is the fine two hundred enough?" Not enough to add more."

He Ran looked away and sneered a few times in her heart, naive.

Coming out of the KTV, the rest of the band took a taxi to leave, and He Ran and Han Yu stood at the intersection, waiting for the driver to pick them up.

Five minutes ago, Han Yu didn't know who to call, and now, a girl in a belly button suit and a miniskirt appeared in front of them.

Han Yu stepped forward, hugged the girl's shoulders familiarly, raised his chin at He Ran, and ordered, "You go back first, I have to go out with Xiao Ai."

He Ran mocked silently, Xiao Ai? AIDS?

She nodded and said yes, turned around and was about to leave, when Han Yu suddenly stopped her again: "Wait."

He Ran looked back at him.

Han Yu stretched out his right hand and said confidently: "Give me five hundred yuan, I don't have enough cash on me."

He Ran didn't hesitate, and directly stuffed the entire wallet into his hand.

She thought that she could always leave now, but she didn't expect Young Master Han to have a new dissatisfaction, he looked at her a few times, frowned and said with disgust: "He Ran, I don't like your short hair, it's ugly, like a village girl."

He Ran is not a rebellious girl, she is as keen as Han Yu to work against others.

But she had to admit that when she heard Han Yu say this, she felt more and more in her heart that her new hairstyle was really more and more flattering.

He Ran said goodbye to Han Yu happily, and the two parted ways.

Now, she had to go get her phone back.

The road in Xiaozhou Village is not easy to walk, and it rained unexpectedly, and the bluestone road became more slippery.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, the lights were turned off from house to house, and the alleys were silent, and the ancient trees and rivers in the moonlight glowed with a dim sheen, and there were few people.

This scene is very quiet and relaxed at first glance, and it is a little scary for He Ran, who is walking alone.

He Ran had never known that she had such the courage to walk at night before, and she felt that several men passing by were looking back at her, and she couldn't help but speed up her pace.

It took some effort to find the barber shop where she came by day, and she tentatively knocked on the door a few times, not knowing if anyone had been sleeping at this point.

Soon, there was the sound of footsteps inside, slow and steady, and then the door opened.

The man poked his head out, recognized it for a few seconds, and said, "Oh, it's you."

He opened the door, turned sideways to let He Ran in, and asked her again, "Looking for your phone?"

He Ran nodded and said, "Yes, I'm not sure if it's left to you."

The man said, "You put it on the table in the morning and forgot to take it, and I put it away for you."

As he spoke, he walked inside and tinkered for a while, and soon came out and returned the phone to He Ran.

At the moment when the man stretched out his hand, He Ran saw very clearly this time that the thumb on his left hand was indeed not complete.

She nodded gratefully, "Thank you."

The man's tone was light, "It's okay."

He Ran said, "Then I'll go first, so I won't disturb your rest."

The man nodded, "Okay."

After speaking, she stood still, hesitated for a few seconds before continuing, "Can you lend me an umbrella?" ...... It's raining outside."

The man was stunned for a moment, but immediately agreed: "You wait a minute."

He turned and went upstairs to get it, and in a moment, he came down with his umbrella in his hand, and the overwhelmed staircase creaked because of his stepping.

When the man walked up, He Ran asked embarrassedly, "Did you disturb your girlfriend's sleep?"

The man's voice paused slightly, "Girlfriend? Which girlfriend? "

He Ran didn't know if he meant that he didn't have a girlfriend, or if he had many girlfriends.

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